Innes talks about Jimmy's Hockenheim crash on this BBC site
Innes and Jim, Some Facts:
Innes Ireland and Jimmy Clark raced against each other 23 times in Formula One for Team Lotus.  Innes won 4 races with 3 seconds and a third.  Jimmy recorded 1 second place and 2 thirds.
...and some fallacies:
Innes was a toff, Jimmy was a poor farmer...................Nope, Jimmy went to Loretto, one of Scotland's premier fee paying schools, Innes went to his local State school.  Jimmy came from a wealthier background.

Innes was vastly more experienced than Jimmy...................Nope, Innes's serious career started in 1957, Jimmy's in 1958.  As a farmer  Jimmy was excused Military Service, Innes spent much of 1953 and 1954 serving in Egypt.

Jimmy soon overtook Innes as the man to beat in Team Lotus...... ...Nope, their last 7 races together saw Innes take 3 wins, while Jimmy's best finish was fourth.  And remember this was after Innes came back from his Monaco tunnel crash.
...a final fact:
Jimmy is rightly remembered as one of the half dozen greatest drivers of all time.  For some reason Innes rarely merits a mention.