Why not check out my blog, I post a lot of Innes Ireland related stuff there - items of news, interesting ebay items and short articles.  There's also plenty of motor sport history interest as well as stuff relating to the history of Radnorshire.

Here are just some examples of Innesirelandia posted on the blog during 2007:

Might Have Been Team - my take on the ill-fated Ecurie Alf Francis Formula 2 team of 1965 (Dec 07)
Sir Chicken - Innes and the Jackie Stewart safety campaign (Dec 07)
Bogged Down - Innes and the Snow-Trac vehicle (Sep 07)
Innes Ireland Ltd -  a short piece on the 1957-58 stable  (Jul 07)
Old Yella - an old Innes Ireland helmet (Jun 07)
The Whole Truth - what really happened when John Surtees left Lotus (Jun 07)
Doug Graham - one of the drivers from the Innes Ireland stable of Lotus Elevens (May 07)
Setting the Record Straight - quelling some disinformation about Innes's 1963 crash at Kent (May 07)
100 RMI - the lesser know of Innes's Lotus Elevens (Apr 07)
Are all Marshalls Fascists? - Innes comes to Bandini's aid at the 1964 USGP (Feb 07)

It's 2008 and the latest Innes stuff on the blog includes:
Innes attending a film show with Cathy Come Home author Jeremy Sandford (Jan 08)
The latest on a new Innes book in the pipeline (Jan 08)
Innes gets a mention in the Sunday Times (Feb 08)
Details of the new book and my review (Apr 08)
A revelation about Lotus Eleven 100RMI (May 08)
Bernard Cahier obituary (Jul 08)
A picture of Innes's father Bill Ireland on the grid with Stirling Moss (Jul 08)
So Here's the Link, please check it out, if you haven't done so already