Written for ProjectJulie's Tri-Fandom Drabble-A-Thon Jr. (26 letters, 26 drabbles) Brought to you by the letter G.
This Grey Spirit Yearning
She was called Voyager and was well-named. Odysseus, after all, was called the great voyager.
The honor of selecting the dedication for Voyager was mine. It was Tennyson I chose and it is Tennyson I think of now as I look out on the gleam of that untraveled world.
I am become a name.
I am Ulysses, the idle king, longing. I am a name, an icon. Wasted and wasting.
But perhaps there is yet a sinking star for me to follow, a port, a vessel, a dark broad sea, and some work not unbecoming one who strove with gods.
Title and quote from Tennyson's "Ulysses" -- it's always made me think of Janeway.
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