Title: Gaia
Fandom: ST: VOY
Characters: J
Prompt: Writer's choice: dreams
Word Count: 100
Rating: General
Author's Note: Written for drabbles100. Drabble 1 of 100 for Janeway.
I dream of corn.
Fields of it. Rolling away from me, or laid out below me. Tassels pale to the point of invisibility. Tassels dark, stark against the green. Dry stalks speaking a language only the corn and I understand.
Of running through it. Slap of leaves against my face. Dirt cool under my feet.
Plates and plates of ears slick with butter, enough to fill my ship. Slippery in my hands. Enough to feed the world.
Of individual plants, green and slender, rising above where I crouch, impossibly small. The smell of the earth in my nose, my mouth.
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