



2.    GIF "Graphics Interchange Format".  A format used for displaying bitmap images on World Wide Web pages, usually called a "gif" because .gif is the filename extension. These files use lossless compression and can have 256 colors.  JPEG and GIF are commonly used for images on the Web; JPEG is considered best for photos and GIF for other graphic images.



3. My Examples of GIF Animation



        To make this banner I used the copy and paste after current tools in Animation Shop 3 to create the slides I needed.  I then used contrasting colors on the slogan and the rotating colors effects of the "Team CIA" slide to make the animation more interesting.



        ~ To create these slides of a motivational quote animation shop 3 was used. The colors were chosen to contrast the white background. The movement from slide to slide was done by inserting an image transition called a "fade".  Then a flower image was placed on the last slide using the picture tube in paint shop pro.




            ~ To create this animated micro button the micro button representing this website was put on one slide and the words "click here" were on two other slides.  The slides were all given image effects. The



            ~To create this car animation I found a yellow Jeep Wrangler on the Jeep website.  This was saved to my folder and then brought into Animation Shop 3.  There is was put onto a slide and animated with the stained glass effect to give it a shimmering light appearance.  Then the Jeep slogan was animated with the image effects followed by the words "Jeep Wrangler".  



4. Writing: (above)


5. Skills for Animation List 9 specific skills learned

       1. Image effects

        2. Image transitions

        3. Copy and paste slides after current

        4. Alter slide display lengths

        5. Apply Photo-tube art to slides

        6. Optimization Wizard

        7. Export frames to paint shop pro

        8. Save pictures from internet

        9. Animate previous work  (microbutton) 


6. Online Resources: 


           Animated GIF Artist Guild


7. Online Tutorials 




8. Careers List 2 jobs that could use GIF animation


       1. Advertising Agency

        2. Website Designer