My Teaching Philosophy
I embrace teaching as an opportunity to inspire and empower. I want students to fedl personally changed by their participation in a course I am teaching. Learning is a complex process, I am attentive to this factor and work to be flexible, adapting my approaches according to the needs of learners, subject matter, and setting. Understanding the diversity of learning styles and student experiences is key to enhancing the students' learning ablility. I believe it is crucial for teachers to cultivate learning partnerships with students. Teaching is empowering students to take responsibility for their learning, inspiring courage to grow intellectually, cultivating curiosity, and providing opportunities for developing relationships. I will use small groups and cooperative learning syles in order to accomodate all of my students' needs. "Urging all of us to open our minds and hearts so that we can know beyond the boundaries of what is acceptable, so that we can think and rethink, so that we can create new visions, I celebrate teaching that enables transgressions-- a movement against and beyound boundaries. It is that movement which makes education the practice of freedom.
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First Days of School Plan
I have inculeded a lesson I have done that reflects this philosophy.
Adding and Subtraction Integers Lesson