Who We Are



This site was born because of the great need people
with chronic illnesses have for finding out their
medical history. When I started searching for my
Birth-family, I found that there was no place for people to
go who needed to find out their medical histories.
Having had diabetes for almost 22 yrs, I knew how
frustrating it was to go to a Dr, and have to tell
them I didn't know my family history, because I was
adopted. This became even more disheartening when my
son was born in 1997, and he was in dire need of
medical information. I became outraged when I realized
how locked up our medical histories are. Not only
that, but as we have found out many of our Birth-parents
were in great health 30 years ago, and have since
developed genetic disorders.

After talking to T.I.E.S., and finding out their was
no place to help people with chronic illnesses, I
decided to start one. We decided to make it a New Year
project to get this site up and running, and with the
reorganization of TIES, thought this would be a great

I think this site will turn out to be a very helpful
place. We have many great people that are volunteer
searchers, all very committed to making reunions
happen, and getting people the records they so
desperately need. 

I personally cannot wait until this site, is no longer
needed, and can be closed down. The day we close, is
the day that people finally realize the importance of
open records, and that we are not children anymore. We
are quite capable of handling information about our
heritage, past, etc, whatever you chose to call it. 
The biggest thing is, people will finally have
realized that it is our civil right to know our roots,
and the records will be open all over the world


Renee Kloss
Founder, TSCI



