Trudy, Brady and Zoot
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Name: Trudy Taylor
Series: S1,S2,S3
Relations: Brady (daughter) zoot , Bray and Amber, baby Bray.
Position: Mall Rat Member
Strengths: Her abilites to look after Brady.
Weaknesses: Bray and her daughter Brady.
Lovers/Past: Bray,  Martin/ Zoot
Lovers/Present: None
Member status: Present member
About Trudy:
Trudy is a single teenage mother. She is best friends with Amber. During the first series Trudy refused to take responsibility for her daughter Brady. Trudy didn't want Brady at first and she was obsessed with Bray. But towards the end she started to look after Brady. In series two Trudy betrayed the tribe to the Chosen. But in series 3 she came back to the mall rats.Trudy is a single teenage mother. She is best friends with Amber. During the first series Trudy refused to take responsibility for her daughter Brady. Trudy didn't want Brady at first and she was obsessed with Bray. But towards the end she started to look after Brady. In series two Trudy betrayed the tribe to the Chosen. But in series 3 she came back to the mall rats. Trudy helped Amber have a son in series 4.
Name: Brady Taylor/Fielding
Series: S1,S2,S3+
Relations: Trudy, Zoot, Bray and Amber  baby Bray (cousin).
Position: Baby (Mall Rat member.)
Strengths: Unkown
Weaknesses: Unkown
Lovers/Past: None
Lovers/Present: None
Member status: present member
About Brady:
Brady was born at the start of series one of the tribe. Brady's mum is Trudy and her dad is Zoot/Martin. Brady has been through a lot since she was born first her dad died then her mum didn't want her then she was taken by the Chosen and then her mum was kidnapped. But she is finally back with Trudy.
Trudy at Zoots funneral
Brady s1
Name: Zoot/ Martin Fielding
Series: S1
Relations: Brady (daughter), Bray (brother), Trudy and Amber, baby Bray (Nephew).
Position: Loco leader
Strengths: Power and Chaos
Weaknesses: Trudy and Brady
Lovers/Past: Trudy and Ebony
Lovers/Present: None
Member status: Present member
About Zoot:
Zoot was in a few episodes he was Bray's brother and Brady's dad. Zoot was the leader of the Locos he cared about his brother (Bray) Trudy and his daughter Brady. Zoot was killed in episode eight series 1 of the tribe he was killed by Lex when he was thrown off the Mall balcony. Zoot makes a come back in series 5 of the tribe.