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The Locos
The Locos were originally the most powerful & feared tribe in the city, maybe even in the world.  In the power vacuum left by the devastating virus, Zoot led his Locos on a crusade of Power & Chaos
The Locos set up their main base in the cities Rail Yards in Sector 9 - a centralised location full of old railway carriages (living facilities), warehouses (a place for their Police Car to be kept & equipment/food)
The Locos in the Railyards
Many of the Locos are expert Roller bladers, which along with the Police Car, Zoot uses on lightning raids on resources or other Tribes or when on patrol around their territories.
The Locos Police Car
Known members of the Locos:
There were obviously other members of the Locos, but we were not told their names
Jaffa - Before he became the Guardian
After Zoots death in series one, Ebony, queen of the Locos took over the reigns of power.

Spike was Zoots general, who took care of his leader & controlled the other Tribe members with a rod of steel

Jaffa, who eventually became the Guardian, was one of the most devoted followers of Zoot
Zoot died at the hands of Lex, while he visitted his brother, Bray, & the mother of his child, Trudy.  Lex thought Bray had betrayed them & threw Zoot from the Mall balcony onto the floor below
Zoots funeral - Cast out to sea on a burning boat
After the fall of Zoot & eventually the Locos themselves, Ebony joined the mallrats.  Spike became part of the City militia, still loyal to Ebony