The Summa Discordia


How many of you out there even know of the Summa Discordia? Parts of this legendary Erisian web tome appear in the Apocrypha Discordia and the Book of Eris. As far as most of us know, at the time of its creation, it was the first grand eristic scriptural writing attempt since the Principia Discordia came out. Now we have so much more out there, in terms of Discordian writings, sacred books, and other things. A veritable library of eristica is now to be found everywhere. Some of it crap. Some of it outstanding. Most of the rest of it just plain funny.

The Summa Discordia was created by a fellow by the name of The Beatus Ffungo. As far as we know it was first up on the web around 1997-8, or possibly earlier. It achieved a sort of 'popular cult status' among a lot of Discordians. Eventually, after a few years, it disappeared from the web. Or at least from anywhere we could find it. Imagine our surprise when Irreverend Hugh told us that someone on the Principia Discordia Forums recently mentioned it and someone else posted a link to a web archive of the Summa Discordia...well most of it, anyway. The Irrev. then went and yoinked all the pages of the Summa he could find and sent them in.

In the interests of keeping the Summa Principia alive and available to Discordians and others, we have decided to publish an edition of it here. We have tried to comb through the Summa from the web archive to find all of the linked pages and images, some of which are still missing. Also, some graphics have not made it to this edition due to copyright issues, etc. We have made every effort to only include (k)opyleft material. All or most of the text is as we found it on the archive, with a few minor changes to style or color for ease of reading.

As time goes on, we may find some of the missing pages, images, and or links and subsequent changes will then be made to this edition. If any of you out there want to help in this process feel free to send us any links, graphics, or html pages which belong to the original Summa. We also will try to have a PDF file version of the Summa created so that it can be printed more easily.

As to navigation, we have preserved as much as we can of the original navigation of the Summa: a collection of listed pages on an index with a few random pages linked to certain segments of text. This shouldn't present any problem. We have changed the urls to match this edition's inclusion on our web site. Any broken links will be fixed or removed in later editions. Near the bottom of this page, we have also included a mini-map of all of the Summa Pages that either we have published or know about.

Read the Summa

The Summa Discordia Title/Cover Page

The Summa Discordia Contents/Index Page

Diskordiya Mayibuye!

Our Map of the Summa Pages We Have Found So Far

Indexed Pages:
Inactivated Links represent missing pages.
Other Pages:
  • Eris Buys Popcorn
  • In Dreams
  • Our Rules
  • Sink
  • Orders of Discordia
  • Law of Negative Reversal
  • An Example
  • The Myth of the Apple
  • The Modern World
  • Discord in Daily Life
  • luggage.html
  • goldensecret.html
  • About Eris
  • Karma
  • Principia.txt and html
  • The Sacred Chao
  • Greyface
  • The Erisian Shrine
  • Dog Joke
  • An Example

  • DSSS/PMM Site Navigation

    The DSSS/PMM Intro/Update Page
    The DSSS/PMM Site Map
    The DSSS/PMM Eristic Writings Collection


    This page on Chaos 17th, 3171
    by the Discordians for Softer Sandpaper Society / Purple Monkey Mafia