WTF? A Bunch of Things Thrown Together

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(just a collection of quotes, not the legendary document known by that name and probably NOT even erudition at all.)

Let’s start off with a quote from an erudite source:
“The most thoroughly and relentlessly Damned, banned, excluded, condemned, forbidden, ostracized, ignored, suppressed, robbed, brutalized, and defamed of all Damned Things is the individual human being. The social engineers, statisticians, psychologists, sociologists, market researchers, landlords, bureaucrats, captains of industry, bankers, governors, commissars, kings and presidents are perpetually forcing this Damned Thing into carefully prepared blueprints and perpetually irritated that the Damned Thing will not fit into the slot assigned to it. The theologians call it a sinner and try to reform it. The governor calls it a criminal and tries to punish it. The psychotherapist calls it a neurotic and tries to cure it. Still, the Damned Thing will not fit into their slots.”
-from Never Whistle While You're Pissing, by Hagbard Celine, H.M., S.H. (from the ILLUMINATUS trilogy by RAW and Robert Shea)

“Aggression is simply another name for government. Aggression, invasion, government are interchangeable terms.”
-Benjamin Tucker

“ Our society is not based upon love. It is based on domination. To have domination you must have the dominated masses. To have the dominated masses you must destroy any sense of immanent value that individuals feel. Immanent value--the notion that all things are sacred and therefore we are all sacred--is the foundation of real love. Immanent value means that we are all equals. Our society destroys that to create us, the dominated masses and then sets up a system where we have to obey (sometimes known as ‘choosing freely only the choices that we are allowed to choose’) in order to achieve value. Many of us get to do a little dominating ourselves, so we comply. It gets to the point where our value must be proven by how much more we are worth than someone else. There is always someplace better the system can place us if we comply. There is always someplace worse to go if we do not comply. In our society we are fragmented into desire for the rewards of compliance and the fear of failure for disobedience. Love is dismembered and destroyed in our society. The awareness of this is the beginning of true resistance and real, grounded, endless love.”
-Irreverend Hugh, KSC



Those who want to rape their minds and others’ bodies often fall into the tendency of proclaiming the necessity of order, law and order, or some kind of bland ideological statement to that effect. They feel the need to try to justify their actions, behavior, or system. A person only tries to justify that which they know in their heart to be complete utter bullshit. They have gone about reordering the world to their blandness and persecuting any and all who do not, will not, and certainly never fit in to that blandness. Eventually, free thinking human beings have to distinguish themselves from such cabbage by saying “ideologies are for idiots”… “order is for morons”…and “beliefs are for believers”… “what is the difference in brainpower between any of these?”.

I wish it were different, but what does reality care for what I wish? Nothing, unless I take some action to change it. After all, what is reality but something that we have merely agreed on convincing ourselves upon? We are collectively each other’s enablers. We need to say ‘no’ to this enabling. We need to start using our brains. We need to start consulting our own pineal glands…why keep listening to the dogmas of others? Why even listen to our own dogmas? It’s high time we start listening to the winds that blow minds…even when those winds say to us “blow your own damn minds!”
-Irreverend Hugh, KSC, and Co-Episkopos

Purple Monkey Mafia Manifesto

[Every group needs a pretentious manifesto, and here is ours as it stood on December 27th of 2002.]

It is easier to sound liberated than it is to actually go through the psychological changes
necessary to become liberated.

Through the processes of domestication we learn to become obedient slaves...and to cherish
the behaviors that confirm our loyal obedience.

We are out to break open and dissolve the walls that are built by your fears, your dreams, your fantasies, and your prejudices. There are always many different points of view, many different angles which are in constant change, endlessly merging and recombining. To limit identity to just one point of view is to commit mental fraud. To limit the self to just one identity is to commit mental fraud. Beliefs are the bricks that the walls of hatred are built from. A belief is just a pretty cover for a prejudice. In order to escape the trap of prejudice and preconceptions it becomes necessary to get used to direct perception. In order to get used to direct perception, it becomes necessary to know exactly how one's perceptions are informed by various prejudices, beliefs, and notions.

The difference between performance artists and everyone else is that performance artists know they are performing. The others are just under the twisted delusion that what they are doing is somehow more a part of the real world. The problem with the concept of the 'real world' is that no two people ever really agree on just what it means. And some people are even willing to repress, maim, or kill others in attempts to get them to agree. It is best to just acknowledge the performance and artistry with which we co-create our lives. This outlook may not be the total unerring truth but I venture it would be more useful to approach life from this angle.

Individuals should no more be slaves to cultures than slaves to governments. While I am not advocating the mindless overthrow of government and the overclasses, I do think that as human beings we all have the mindful capacity to grow into buddhas. Therefore no system of domination should be allowed to enslave anyone. No one should be expected to sacrifice their lives, their livelihoods, or their time for systems that only foster further obedience. Governments are the product of thousands of years of war culture. Without warfare governments serve no real function. No other concept developed by humanity has caused more suffering than government. In terms of cultures, they belong to people. Many believe the other way around. Cultures are human interactions with the world and with each other. They are the platforms, materials, and expressions of our lives. Everyone deserves the freedom and the space to interact with others without fear of cultural discrimination, whether from outside or inside the individual's group, whether traditional or not.

Now Read Our Statement


Erisian Writings
Most likely where you came from. Go back to that list and read more Erisiana, if you're into that sort of thing.
Our Site Map
For prompt misdirection around this ever growing warren of pages.
Our Home Page
In the offhand chance you got here from offsite somewhere.
The place to go for that sort of thing.
Who We Are
As opposed to who YOU are.
Contact Info
In case you wish to communicate with us.
White Mouse
Some spiel by that Erisian Trickster.

stay tuned to your pineal gland and to this site for further developments

All Hail Discordia!

This page v2 on Chaos 9th, 3171