In Religious Teachings
The Case of Intolerance
Any of you out there who have experienced dealing with people who hold these
teachings know exactly what they are, we hope. For those of you in the dark,
we are putting a collection of short ramblings and writings together.
It may be useful to think of Grayfaced Teachings as any teachings that put ‘-isms’, ‘-ists’, ‘-ities’,
or any other categories before life. They tend to mash the vivid panorama of existence
down into a dull gray, or simple blacks and whites. (Simply shades of gray, actually.)
They teach people to fear anything outside the
scope of their dogmas. They teach people to fear the creativity of chaos. They split
the world into good and evil which is one of the most ancient
Aneristic Delusions [according to St. Hugh, KSC, the split was a practical joke
that went too far and has never really ended]. Discordians
need not waste time hating those who hold such teachings and ideas while we laughingly
dismantle the structures
based on them. Any of you out there needing further illumination regarding this topic can
contact us.
Or consult more of the writings on this site. Or simply assume you know already. Any of you out there who have some
short stuff to contribute on this, whether a link to your own pages or some writing you wish
to submit, send it to us at the above link.
-St. Panthea, KSC, Dakini of Discord, fNorD
Fundamentalism: by Rabbi Shi Hui-gan
Of the Church of Chinese Buddhist Rabbinical Students for Jesus
Any teachings that
claim to be the one and only truth above all truths are shamelessly Grayfaced.
Usually they will follow some sort of easy-to-identify form such
as “Only we get to go to heaven while the rest of you
all go to hell and that’s because our religion is the only true religion- so join us and be
saved, while you still can.” “We are the chosen ones. The Master/God/Goddess/Great Pooh Bah
has revealed the truth to US” “This is progress. Anything that stands in the way of progress
[or law and order, or insert your own ideas here]
will disappear”
Teachings along this line will use all sorts of holy scriptures,
revelations, and scientific sounding theories to support their dogmas. Whether they are
Christian Fundies, Islamic Fundies, Marxist Fundies,
Jewish Fundies, Americanist Fundies, Nationalist Fundies, Pagan Fundies, Hindu Fundies,
Capitalist Fundies, Atheist Fundies, etc.
(The list could go on and on, and it will. I promise. ), all of them are convinced that
their way is best, not only for their ‘own’ people, but for all people. The
best way?
Be very suspicious of that phrase. You get the idea here yet? All of these Fundies
sound the same. They don’t want you to think with your free mind. They want you to
limit your thoughts to support their mental manacles. What they suffer from is the
Which is of course, the nagging dislike towards people who do
things differently from you, mixed with the suspicion that such people
could be having more fun than you. Those under this vile curse will suppress, torture,
exile, and even kill anybody who disagrees. What did the Religious Holy Men do to Christ?
What would the Christian Fundies do to the next Messiah? (Well, they have already done it,
because We Are All Messiahs!
Every woman, child, man, and animal on this planet is.)
What did the Roman Pagan Fundies do to the Christians? What did those same Christians do
to everyone else later in history? What have the modern Scientistic Fundies done to
other systems of knowledge that are far older?
To paraphrase Gautama Buddha, “Do not believe in anything you have heard, or seen written, simply because it
came from tradition or from spiritual masters or from social leaders….be lamps for
yourselves.” [November 26th, 2002]
The Hell Law says that
Hell is reserved exclusively for them that believe in it. Further, the lowest Rung in Hell
is reserved for them that believe in it on the supposition that they'll go there if they don't.
-The Gospel According to Fred, 3:1
In the year 1166 BC,
a malcontented hunchbrain by the name of Greyface, got it into his head that the
universe was as humorless as he, and he began to teach that play was sinful because it
contradicted the ways of Serious Order. "Look at all the order around you,"
he said. And from that, he deluded honest people to believe that reality
was a straightjacket affair and not the happy romance as people had known it.
It is not presently understood why people were so gullible at that particular time,
for absolutely no one thought to observe all the disorder around them and
conclude just the opposite. But anyway, Greyface and his followers took the
game of playing at life more seriously than they took life itself and were
known even to destroy other living beings whose ways of life differed
from their own.
The unfortunate result of this is that humanity has since been suffering from a psychological
and spiritual imbalance. Imbalance causes frustration, and frustration causes fear.
And fear makes for a bad trip. Humanity has been on a bad trip for a long time now.
Please read
The Aquarian Manifesto
by Isaac Bonewits, a very erudite and enlightened
Neo-pagan. Also check out his informative essay called
The Religious Reich
which details the dangers that Fundamentalism poses
toward any form of tolerance and free thinking. We highly recommend people to read
his other essays as well.