Rant 93: Do What Thou Wilt

-The last word of Gaius Julius Caesar

"Rather than that Crowley was dishonest in the way he presented himself, it is more likely that he expected his intelligent readers to be able to read between the lines."
-John S. Moore

"Whoever tries to lay his own trip on others is acting from terror, and will resort to terror as a weapon if the others won't accept the trip through permission."
-Miss Portinari

"Sacrifice truth for freedom at every opportunity."
-Peter Carroll (Principia Chaotica)

You can spend your time nay-saying and complaining about how others' doings are not to your liking. You can spend your time detracting from others' creations and others' achievements all you want. You can even whine and complain about how nobody ever understands you (though you forget that you don't really bother allowing people to understand you). You can do all of those good for nothing activities and posture yourself as being too wise or too smart for any of the sort. That's perfectly okay because the rest of us will keep on plugging away and doing what we do. And we will still be around here in the Erisian Movement long after you have left to go find the next new fringe you can suck up from some website. We want you to know that if you do that....go in peace, but please don't take the joke too seriously as that only makes us more determined the next time we prank you until the snot comes dribbling from your ears and your mind starts undergoing flashbacks from memories you never made yourself.

You are free. You can choose to use that freedom by wasting away attacking and sniping at the efforts of others or at the expressions of others, or you can choose to stand up on two feet (assuming you are, in fact, bipedal) and take part in dialogue or in activities or something. Just don't just sit there and pass judgment and criticize things simply because of spite or jealousy or your personal sense of uselessness. We already have jesters and jokers to entertain us. And we are the jesters and jokers. You don't have to like or agree with the rest of us, but you do have to realize that this whole thing (existence) is a game that plays itself for its own sake. You need to remind yourself that the ultimate secret of the universe is the secret that it in fact exists for its own sake. Now, what does that say about you and what freedom really means? Think on it for a while.

Now more than ever, we of the Discordian Society need to recognize the fact that our lives are the way they are because we have made them so. Quit your whining about government, corporations, terrorists, and other fanatical conspirators who threaten everything you hold dear. Do something. Create something. Write something. You are only as free as you choose to act and think. Not just because Eris said you are, but because you are. This is a new aeon. A new dispensation that was foreseen by those with insight into it a long time ago. This is a time when people have and will act out their violent fanaticism and tepid beliefs upon everyone else. An age of wars and terror and degradation because human beings don't seem to be getting the message....and Eris is pissed-off at every one of them. It is time that the sleeping giant of the Discordian Society gets off of its narcissistic ass and face the fact that our own shit smells just as bad as everyone else's, even if we smartly or rightly use our shit for fertilizing our gardens.

The Muslims and the Christians and the global corporations are all fighting to gain complete dominance of the planet. Kid yourselves not. They are the enemy. They will not fail to see you and other freethinkers as their enemy. It is time we infiltrate all of their organizations. Hell, the corporations can be changed from within, as I have myself witnessed. (23Cluster, anyone?) And in the end the corporations are the ones who sell the weapons to the Muslims and Christians and provide them the means for the communication of their foul and pernicious belief systems and propaganda. It is time to subvert all jihads with our militant humor. It is time to subvert all schemes of evangelism and slaughter with Our Laughter. It is time to tickle the holy crap out of all of these idiot manifestations of human ignorance who then have the temerity to proclaim themselves "leaders, god's fighters, heroes, martyrs," and then say that the world must submit to their malodorous pretensions of grandeur. Let the idiot jihadists and the idiot crusaders and the idiot global marketeers wallow in their own filth as we gain the means and methods to derail and sidetrack their efforts. Fuck them all proper if they can't take a joke. And we want all of these pathetic cabbages to know that We, the Children of Eris, have some shiny golden apples for them as gifts. And when the vultures are picking at their bones, we will still be here laughing and whooping it up enjoying that which Eris has repeatedly attempted to get us to see...Our Freedom.

As for the Islamic Jihadists, the Christian Fundamentalists, and the Corporate Marketeers, these words: "These are the fools that men adore; both their Gods and their men are fools."

In closing, I will leave you with another statement from the Mad Prophet (without profit), Aleister Crowley: "Do what thou wilt shall be the whole of the law. Love is the law, love under will. There is no law beyond Do what thou wilt."

And as Eris said: "You are free."

-Irreverend Hugh, KSC
July 10th, 2005


Rant 94
Rants Vol. 2 Index