
Discordianism seems to be the religious equivalent of the Land of Misfit Toys. Most people who are drawn to it usually get their start out of frustration with more "traditional" religions (although, technically speaking, ours outdates several of today's more popular heresies). Most people don't really understand the official tenets of their religion, and they're generally happy with that. Unfortunately, they don't seem to understand that others need their religion to make a little more sense or abandon any attempt at making sense altogether - which is where Discordianism comes in.
That's also why Discord plays such a significant role in Discordianism (besides merely making up 53.8% of the logo). And it's larger than just religion - most Discordians come here as the result of the discord between people who accept a standard view of things and those that don't. And, let's face it, we're all fully aware of how people respond to us when we choose not to take their Truth seriously. Many Discordians go beyond that and actively seek conflict with those minions of Greyface in the world. And why shouldn't we? As they say - "We gladly feast on those who would subdue us." [note: sound file is missing.]
Putting it plainly, most of these people have it coming. They walk around waving their Hillbilly Money Cult at us like it's some sort of high spirituality, and then act amazed when we ridicule it. They actively seek to make the world a blander and blander place by instantly commodifying anything that's fresh and pure. These evil assholes have the cheek to suggest to us that the existence of a corporation is "only" to make money and any destruction that occurs in that pursuit is Good Business. They scream about raising the minimum wage a tiny amount but laugh at the notion of placing a top limit on earnings (because Bill Gates really is worth more than every teacher in the US combined).
Not only that, these people encourage conflict wherever they can. Instead of really trying for dialogue, they oversimplify complex ideas and attack these strawmen with great gusto. They ignore the lessons of genetics and openly advocate memetic inbreeding. Make no mistake - these people are The Enemy. They won't be making that mistake about you!
Oh - the Fallacy of Discord is that it takes place outside Two Things. Really, it takes place inside One Thing. It doesn't involve a hammer and an anvil; it just involves a strike.