Morning Devotions

When selecting your socks each morning, recite the following:

"I am choosing these socks to cover my feet
By choosing these socks, I have both chosen to wear them
And chosen not to wear others
Even if I just reached in my sock drawer
And selected a pair at random
I chose to abstain from actively choosing
And that too is a choice
It does not matter if these socks match or do not
It does not matter if these socks are comfortable or are not
It does not matter if these socks have holes or do not
I will wear them all day
Unless they get wet or too smelly or start to piss me off
Then I will choose to wear other socks
   (Or none at all,
Which is another choice)
But for now, I have chosen these socks
To cover my feet."


repeat for each article of clothing until it takes you four hours to get dressed every morning and/or really creeps out your cohabitators.