Discord in Real Life

One day a few months back, I saw something groovy on my way into work. There was this little kid whuppin' ass on a bigger kid in a Power Rangers suit! It was great - the little kid had the big kid's arm & was spinning him around, and the big kid was stumbling all over & fell down. The big kid's mask was so tweaked that he couldn't see anything.

When I was little & kids picked on me, they just wore normal clothes (well, if you could consider Led Zepplin t-shirts normal) that offered me very little in the way of a tactical advantage. Maybe they should make bullies wear sombreros, so you could pull them down over their eyes in a scuffle (and besides - they'd look so dorky in them that it could discourage some of them from following the path of bullydom).

I immediately sympathized with the littler kid, but maybe the big kid was just exploring his inner power ranger when the small kid, who was actually 19 and stunted from smoking filterless Camels, came over and decided to pick on the Power Ranger kid just because he was different. Or, he may have decided that the spectacle of anyone (no matter how innocent or guilty) getting their ass publicly kicked while wearing a power rangers costume would be so amusing to passers-by that it would more than compensate for the negative karma received from the act itself.

The only thing that could have been cooler was if the whole scene took a cold Old Testament turn and everyone involved was eaten by bears.

All in all, I'd give it a 7.