Those Nice Folks at the UN!

(Please note: this page is not accusing the UN of being behind One World Government efforts, Black Helicopters, or cattle mutilations. Those allegations are ridiculous. Oswald killed Kennedy (acting alone), and Reagan really does have Alzheimer's. I swear. I haven't mentioned a thing to anybody. October 17 will come and go with no noticeable change in the sperm counts of North American men. There is no need to panic. All is as it should be. The Dow Jones Index fluctuates as a result of free market forces and has nothing to do with the subPentagon, which doesn't even exist at all. I don't know who keeps claiming it does, but they really should knock it off.)

So I'm doing some vanity searches on various engines to get some idea of the amount of the www devoted to funneling adulation towards me, and I'm searching using the word "Ffungo" to uniquely identify this site & links to it when I stumble across a page in German:

Die verschiedenen englischsprachigen AbkŸrzungen deuten die 
Bandbreite der NRO im internationalen GeschŠft an. GONGO hei§t 
Regierung organisierte nichtstaatliche Organisation, d.h. es besteht
eine direkte Verbindung zum Staatsapparat; Šhnlich verhŠlt es sich 
mit einer GRINGO (NGO der Regierung Durchlauf angespornter); eine QUANGO ist eine 
nichtstaatliche Quasiorganisation, was ebenso mit staatlicher 
Finanzierung einhergeht, d.h. es handelt sich i.d.R. um eine ausgelagerte 
Verwaltungseinheit; FFUNGO bedeutet fremde gefinanzierte nichtstaatliche 
Organisation, wobei die auslŠndischen Gelder auch von Regierungen kommen 
kšnnen. Es gibt auch die AbkŸrzungen SMANGOs, MINGOs und BINGOs (kleine, 
mittlere und gro§e NRO)...

I don't speak any German, but it definitely sounded sinister. There I was (in all caps, no less), along with various anti-American slogans (GRINGO), suggestions of the corruption of senior citizens (BINGO) and what were obviously Holy Names of Discordians I haven't even met yet (SMANGO, GONGO, QUANGO, and MINGO). This smacked of some sort of foreign conspiracy (although clearly not one of those One World Government efforts, which don't even exist, and I think it's pretty irresponsible of people to just go around casually implying that they do, because they really don't, and mentioning that they do isn't a good idea even though it won't cause you to have sudden troubles with local law- enforcement officials).

Although "The Beatus Ffungo Smango Gongo Quango Mingo" has sort of a ring to it....

So anyway, I fed the thing through BabelFish, Alta Vista's reasonably groovy translation program, and came up with this:
The different English-language abbreviations suggest the bandwidth of 
the NRO in the international business. GONGO is called government 
organized non governmental organization, i.e. there is a direct 
connection to the state apparatus; similarly it behaves with a GRINGO 
(run/inspired NGO government); a QUANGO is one quasi non governmental 
organization, which accompanies likewise with national financing, i.e. 
it concerns itself i.d.R. around a stored externally administrative unit; 
FFUNGO means foreign funded non governmental organization, whereby the 
foreign funds can come also from governments. There are also the 
abbreviations to SMANGOs, MINGOs and BINGOs (small, middle and large NRO)...  

BabelFish is famous for its broken-english translations, but it seems to indicate that the UN has used my name for a non-governmental organization funded by foreign governments. That's all. This message doesn't refer to me specifically or Discordians in general. I fully and completely believe this and do not think that BabelFish is in on any sort of cover-up, because there wouldn't be one in the first place.

If you want to, though, you can send some e-mail to a guy in Argentina (is ".ar" Argentina?) named Fernando Fungo whose e-mail address is