Charmed, All Halliwell's Eve
Season 3, Episode 4
First Aired: October 26, 2000

| | Credits | |

Writer: Sheryl J. Anderson
Director: Anson Williams

Shannen Doherty as Prue Halliwell
Holly Marie Combs as Piper Halliwell
Alyssa Milano as Phoebe Halliwell
Brian Krause as Leo Wyatt
Dorian Gregory as Darryl Morris
Julian McMahon as Cole Turner / Belthazor

Guest Stars:
Judy Geeson as Ruth Cobb
Clare Carey as Eva
David Chisum as Micah/Mitch
Sadie Stratton as Charlotte

Special Music Guest:
Snake River Conspiracy

Other Cast:
Tommy Perna as Kava (Grimlock)
Michael Bailey Smith as Janor (Grimlock)
Danielle Weeks as Sally
James Tumminia as Astrologer
Bobby Pyle as Youngster

| | Synopsis | |

While getting ready for a Halloween party at p3, the girls get pulled back to 1600s Virginia to help a coven rescue a soon-to-be-born magical baby whose mother was kidnapped so that the child could be taught dark magic. The Charmed ones learn they aren't so charmed in this time and have to take a crash course in the origins of natural magic. Cole is also meandering around the 1600s trying to make sure the baby is born in the hands of evil. Meanwhile, Leo and Darryl have their own problems back at the Manor, as the Grimlocks have used the magic of All Hallow's Eve to return and try to kill the sisters.

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Costumed Sisters Costumed Sisters Piper the Good Witch Grimlocks and Cole Frightened Witches Micah Eva Demon Rookie Darryl Potion Maker Leo Cut that Hair Cole Old Magicks Waiting to Strike Prue by the Noose Flying Phoebs Thankful Charlotte Back to the Future Ass Kickin Prue Different Costumed Sisters Costumed Couple of Eras

| | Tricks and Treats | |

Costumes - Piper dresses up as Glenda the Good Witch from the Wizard of Oz. Prue: "Hey, are you a good witch or a bad witch?" Piper: "I'm going to be a very good witch from now on." Prue: "And you picked a role model that wears lots and lots of pink?"

Costumes - Prue is dressed as a fairy tale witch adorned with butterflies and flowers.

Quip - Piper: "I'm not gonna let you spoil my new attitude, I'm gonna celebrate witches holiday with enthusiasm." Phoebe: "The only problem is you never really know what you're celebrating when you celebrate Halloween."

Traditions - WITCHES: Pheobe talks about her displeasure with how witches are presented on Halloween. Phoebe: "Hooked nosed hags riding broomsticks. That's what we're celebrating. Personally I am offended by the representation of witches and popular culture."

Costumes - Phoebe dresses as Elvira. Piper: "Right, which is why you're dressed as the mistress of the dark." Phoebe: "This costume happens to be a protest statement." Prue: "I am so impressed that you can make a protest statement and show cleavage all at the same time."

Costumes - Darryl dresses in his uniform from when he first became a police officer. Piper: "Alright, Inspector, put down the phone and nobody gets hurt."

Costumes - Leo wears his uniform from his days as a soldier. Darryl: "Yeah, it's from my rookie days. Still fits." Leo: "Yeah, mine too." Darryl: "You're not from World War II. ... Who are you?"

Spooks - Belthazor, aka Cole, tries to stop the Grimlock attack because he has his orders to go back in time to prevent the Halliwell line of witches from ever forming. Grimlock #1: "I've always hated that demon." Grimlock #2: "Nice costume though."

Spooks - Grimlock #1: "We don't need him, not to get the Charmed Ones." Cole: "My next question, didn't they already get you two years ago?" Grimlock #2: "Yeah, but it's Halloween. When the veil between worlds thin. When the demons that know how can return to seek their revenge." After having been vanquished by the Halliwell sisters once, the Grimlocks are back on Halloween to return the favor. When the girls are sucked into the time portal, Leo and Darryl are stuck having to fend them off. Leo: "Grimlocks - Underground demons who are sensitive to light and steal children's sight so they can see the aura that surrounds good people and strangle them with it."

Quip - Prue: "Ooh-ooh, I wanna picture of all of us first but I have to get my broomstick." Phoebe: "Cliché!"

Quip - Grimlock #1: "Trick or treat?" Phoebe: "Oh my god, that is so weird. They look just like the grim-- whoa!"

Quip - Piper: "You know what? I don't care why we're here or how we got here, I just wanna get home. I've got a life to live and decorations to hang, so where's the damn vortex?"

Quip - Eva: "Well, we cast spells to prepare your way of course, but we know it was the power of All Hallows Eve that brought you here. Not us." Prue: "All Hallows Eve?" Eva: "A witch's most sacred day. The day when the source of all magic can be tapped into. How can you not know about All Hallows Eve?" Phoebe: "It isn't what it used to be."

Traditions - PARTIES: Phoebe: "It looks like they’re having a party." Eva: "It’s the kidnapper, Ruth Cobb. She’s doing it, pretending to mock All Hallow’s Eve but I know better. She’s really doing it to tap into the powers of dark magic." Ruth throws a All Hallow's Eve party in the village complete with decorations and fun and games.

Traditions - FORTUNE TELLING: Ruth reads tarot cards to determine what the outcome of her plans will be. Cole: "What? What do you see?" Ruth: "A force of great good, from your time. Here, for the baby as well."

Quip - Eva: "The witch's journey is a walk of wisdom collected over the years, Phoebe. Wisdom gives us power. Power frightens the fearful and the ignorant." Prue: "Well, that would certainly explain why in out time witches are made to look silly on Halloween."

Traditions - COSTUMES: Eva gives the sister's masks to wear while they attend the village Halloween party. Piper: "Uh, what's with the masks?" Eva: "Demons walk freely on All Hallows Eve, so a mask allows you to hide your identity. Walk amongst them." Quip - Sally: "Blessed be. Good luck." Prue: "Alright." (They put on their masks.) Prue: "Trick or treat."

Traditions - BOBBING FOR APPLES: This fortune telling type activity that Pheobe stumbles on is actually one of the reasons we now have our tradition of bobbing for apples. The man carves the apple and the peel is supposed to form the letter of the first initial of her true love's name. Man: "Care to know your future, milady?" Phoebe: "Oh, no thanks, I'm pretty familiar with it already." Man: "Are you certain? I can show you the first initial of your true love's name." Phoebe: "Really? You can do that?" Man: "With a simple peel of the apple."

Traditions - TRICK OR TREATING: Amidst all the chaos with fighting the demon Grimlocks, Darryl and Leo have to worry about kids trick or treating as well. Kids: "Trick or treat!" Darryl: "Spread the word." (He gives them the bowl of candy.) "We're out of candy."

Quip - Phoebe: "Okay, I think I have an idea of what might really scare them." (She puts on a witches hat and grabs a broom.) Piper: "What are you gonna do? Phoebe: "I’m going to embrace the cliché." (She sweeps east to west and then sits on the broom. The broom rises up into the air.)

Quip - "Prue: Yeah, I guess we know when all that flying hag stuff started. You only have yourself to blame, right Pheebs?"

Traditions - PARTIES: Piper holds a Halloween bash at p3 complete with a goth band, Snake River Conspiracy, costumes, decorations and pumpkins.

Quip - Phoebe: "Hey, Halloween is now officially my favorite holiday."

Costumes - Cole shows up at p3 wearing an angel costume. Phoebe: "So, you're an angel." Cole: "Oh, ah, this.... No, not really." Phoebe: "That's okay. Neither am I."

Other costumes seen through the episode include - Trick or Treaters: saloon girl; vampire; caped & masked hero guy; karate guy; demon; bug and a princess. At p3: prisoners; hawaiian guy; hula girl; saloon girl; Santa Claus; cowgirl; wizard; sexy cop chick and a 50's girl.

| | Dialogue To Die For | |

Prue: "So in the meantime we can just stick together since we are both dateless."
Piper: "He's not dateless, he's married, you're dateless 'cause you're picky."

Phoebe: "We've been in tougher jams than this."
Piper: "We have?"
Phoebe: "Haven't we?"

Prue: "Hey, haven't I vanquished you somewhere before?"

Phoebe: "Hang on, not every guy I meet wants to kill me. Maybe he just liked me."

| | Dialogue To Bury | |

Cheese much.
Prue: "So that would be the second time that you've saved our necks."
Micah: "And what beautiful necks they are." (He kisses her hand.) "I'm Micah."
Prue: "I'm charmed."

| | Pop! Goes the Culture | |

Phoebe: "Eternally Elvira, yecch."
Elvira, Mistress of the Dark is the screen persona of Cassandra Peterson (born 9/17/1951) who gained fame by wearing dark gothic clothing as host of the weekly horror movie presentation entitled Elvira's Movie Macabre.

Piper: "Flee! We're not in Kansas anymore."
This line is a spoof on events from The Wonderful Wizard of Oz which was first published in 1900, written by L. Frank Baum and illustrated by W.W. Denslow. The initial success led to the publishing of 13 more Oz books and there have been several stage and screen adaptations as well. Most famously among them is the 1939 film featuring Judy Garland as Dorothy.

Phoebe: "Alright, I hate to bust up the balcony scene, Romeo, but why do you keep saving us and why are you running with the witch hunters?"
Romeo + Juliet is possibly William Shakespeare's most famous play and it is thought to have been first performed on January 29, 1595. It chronicles the tale of a boy and a girl from feuding families that fall in love despite the consequences. The balcony scene is probably one of the most referenced scenes in a play in history.

Prue: "Who was that masked man?"
This is the catch phrase from the early, long running radio and TV show, The Lone Ranger, about a masked cowboy in the old west who rides about righting wrongs with his American Indian side-kick, Tonto. The first episode of The Lone Ranger's 2,956 episode run, aired on January 30th 1933 on Detroit's WXYZ radio station.

Phoebe: "Too bad we couldn't save her from moving from Virginia to Salem."
This is referencing the historic time of the Salem witch Trials, for more information check out my article on the events and a chonology list.

| | Goofs, Gaffes and Nitpicks | |

With all the kids and parents out on the street trick or treating-why didn't anyone notice the kid getting hurt by the two demons?

Eva: "This doorway would've told us if you were evil." Piper: "Huh, where can we get one of those?" It would have saved them lots of trouble if one of them would have remembered the ingredients for that doorway protection spell.

What shape other than a C is an apple peel going to show?

The mask Cole wore to the village party was not helping the way his nose looks at all.

Phoebe: "So much knowledge, so much power that we lost. But we'll get it back." Actually they have not referenced the knowledge they gained in this episode in any subsequent episode.

When they are showing the last shot of the band performing, the song track that they are using doesn't look like what the lead singer is mouthing.

| | Creep Show | |

Shannen Doherty starred in the TV horror movie, Satan's School for Girls in 2000, she was in the Beverly Hills 90210 episode, Halloween and in 1989 she was a Heather in the thriller Heathers.

Alyssa Milano was in 1996's Fear with Reece Witherspoon and Mark Wahlberg as well as Deadly Sins in 1995 and Embrace of the Vampire in 1994.

Brian Krause was in TV's 2001 Return to Cabin by the Lake and was also in Stephen King's Sleepwalkers in 1992.

Clare Carey, who played Eva, was in 1987's Zombie High.

Michael Bailey Smith, who played one of the Grimlock's, was in 2003's comedy horror film Monster Man. He also played Super Freddy in Nightmare on Elm St. 5: The Dream Child.

| | Hallowed Celebrities | |

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Elvish Alyssa Milano in 2003 Elvish Alyssa Milano in 2003 Starlet Gunshot Victim in 2003

| | Misc Notes | |

The German title for this episode is Das Zeitportal.
The French title for this episode is Halloween chez les Halliwell.

This Halloween episode talks about things discussed in all three of the Buffy the Vampire Slayer Halloween's. The first Buffy episode talks about the commercialization of Halloween, as does this one. The second Buffy Halloween also talks about a lead character having been burned at the stake and the third also talks about the portayal of witches on Halloween.

An interesting little tid bit is that the year after this episode was filmed (2001) Alyssa Milano dated Brian Krause.

| | Music | |

THEME: Love Spit Love, "How Soon is Now?" - The Craft Soundtrack, Sony 1996 & Charmed Soundtrack, Private Music 2003
SCORE: Jay Gruska

"Breed" by Snake River Conspiracy
Album: Sonic Jihad, Warner Brothers, 2000
Website: Official Site
Scene: When we first see the p3 Halloween party.

"You and Your Friend" by Snake River Conspiracy
Album: Sonic Jihad, Warner Brothers, 2000
Website: Official Site
Scene: At the p3 Halloween party.

"Somebody Hates You" by Snake River Conspiracy
Album: Sonic Jihad, Warner Brothers, 2000
Website: Official Site
Scene: At the p3 Halloween party when Cole and Phoebe are talking.

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