The TI Award Center
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~*Money Awards*~

Every so often, Trinity Islands recognizes someone for their efforts to improve the originally RI society. This "prize" will award anywhere from 1,000RC - 10,000RC! If you want to be recognized, then you should start being active, be helpful, and otherwise just a good SIM gamer! Here are the people recognized so far and why:
horseyKT - Setting Up TI and DHI - 5,000RC
Hannah - Setting up SI and Re-doing SI - 4,500RC
Sian - Updating A Lot - 1,500RC
Emma - Speedy Training - 1,000RC

~*Other Personal Awards*~

These can be points for your horses, a new horse, creating the horse of your dreams, a personalized picture, free membership to somewhere, your own site, and loads more!! For these awards you must be active, nice to others, and in need of things! If you ask for one of these awards you might get it, so don't hesitate!
horseyKT - 20pts Between Horses
Hannah - Create 1 Horse
Carys - Free ESG From horseyKT (1 Week's Worth for Up To 2 Horses)
Sian - 10pts Between Horses
Emma - Free Outdoor Arena

~*Site Awards*~

You can apply for these for your site and then you can have lots of awards to prove your excellence as a site! These are great for display! You will also get a trophy/picture to display.
Golden - AWARDED TO ________ -
(Site must have atleast 25 members and be updated often. Must have atleast 15 active members)
((5 Goldens will be awarded total))

Silver - AWARDED TO ________ -
(Site must have atleast 15 members and be updated often. Must have atleast 10 active members.)
((6 Silvers will be awarded total))

Bronze - AWARDED TO ________ -
(Site must have atleast 10 members and be updated often. Must have atleast 5 active members.)
((8 Bronzes will be awarded total))

Best All-Around SIM Game - AWARDED TO ________ -
(Site must have atleast 1 message board and be updated often. Must have lots of active members and happy members, also. Needs to be organized, easy to understand, and neat.)
((2 All-Arounds will be awarded total))

Most Active Owner - AWARDED TO ________ -
(Site must have a very active owner who updates atleast daily. Must have atleast 10 members and every member must have atleast 3 horses. Must have some way of proving that they get to most of their emails daily.)
((1 Most Active Owner will be awarded total))

Most Active Member - AWARDED TO ________ -
(Member must ride all horses atleast once twice per week. Must have all things needed to ride. Must have entered atleast 10 shows total. Member must also be active in other ways such as pets or other SIM responsibilities!)
((1 Most Active Member will be awarded total))

Note -- These awards may be given out to ANY SIM or RPG site.