Advent 1 “C,” 2003
Text: Jeremiah 33:14-16
“Jesus Christ
Is Coming To Town"
Oh! You better watch out,
You better not cry,
You better not pout,
I'm telling you why:
Santa Claus is coming to town!
He's making a list,
Checking it twice,
Gonna find out who's naughty or nice.
Santa Claus is coming to town!
He sees you when you're
He knows when you're awake.
He knows if you've been bad or good,
So be good for goodness sake!
Oh! You better watch out,
You better not cry,
You better not pout,
I'm telling you why:
Santa Claus is coming to town!
It's a song many know by
heart. For most people, this song captures the essence of what preparing for
Christmas is about. The song speaks about the coming of an important person, a
person who knows all about us, a person who is kind and generous and who
expects us to be the same. It has been suggested that all we have to do to
make this song appropriate for church is to substitute the name of Jesus for
the name of Santa Claus and we have the essence of preparing for
Christmas. But if being “nice” and “good” is all what Christmas is about,
then I’m afraid we have missed the real meaning of Christmas.
The four weeks before
Christmas is the time that the Church calls “Advent.” The word
"advent" means "coming." Jesus Christ came into the
world in the little town of Bethlehem 2000 years ago. Advent is the time we
prepare for the coming of Christ at Christmas. We spend these four weeks
preparing ourselves, reliving the anticipation of that first Christmas, and
also looking forward to the time when Christ will return in glory to raise up
all how have died and to judge all mankind. This is what we are preparing for
during Advent.
But how do we prepare
ourselves properly? To help us answer that question, we need to understand why
it is necessary for us to be prepared. We need to prepare ourselves, because in
our natural condition, we are not ready to receive Christ. In ourselves, we
don’t have the righteousness or goodness God expects of us. We have failed to
fear and love God as we should and to love our neighbour as we love ourselves.
We heard the admonition about Santa: "He's making a list, checking it
twice, gonna find out who's naughty and nice… He knows if you've been bad or
good, so be good for goodness sake!" Unfortunately this admonition does
not help us one bit, because no matter how hard we try, we will fall short of
our own good intentions.
Getting ready for Christmas
is not about putting on a nice face and behaving extra good for the next four
weeks. It is not about “creating” a warm, fuzzy Christmas atmosphere. The first
thing we must get into our heads is that being ready for Christmas is not so
much about what we have to do, because we inevitably get it wrong. Rather,
getting ready for Christmas is about getting to know the One whose birthday we
are about to celebrate. We must remember that Jesus was not born on Christmas
that we might be entertained. He came because without Him we would be lost
forever and without any real hope or joy in this life.
To prepare for Christmas, we
must keep our focus on Jesus and what He does for us. This is what the prophet
Jeremiah did for His people who had also become hopelessly lost in their sins
and were about to experience God’s judgment. To them God offers His wonderful
promise of a Saviour who will restore them. This is the promise we heard:
"The days are surely
coming, says the Lord, when I will fulfill the promise I made to the house of
Israel and the house of Judah. In those days and at that time, I will cause
a righteous Branch to spring up for David; and he shall execute justice and
righteousness in the land. In those days Judah will be saved and
Jerusalem will live in safety. And this is the name by which it will be
called, "The Lord is our righteousness" (Jeremiah 33:14-16).
Jesus came on Christmas so
that he could offer His life as a sacrifice for our sins and that we might
receive His goodness and perfection. Jeremiah calls Jesus “The LORD Our
Righteousness.” Jesus is righteous because He is true God, holy and perfect, as
well as true man, sinless and without moral fault in His humanity. Because He
became a real human being and was without sin, He was able to offer His life as
a sacrifice for our sins. Because Jesus was also true God, the value of His
sacrifice and perfection is limitless and extends to all people. In this way He
“executed justice and righteousness in the land."
On the one hand he satisfied
God’s justice in making payment for our sins. On the other hand He fulfilled
the righteousness that was lacking on our part. In preparing for Christmas, we
must first recognize that Christmas is primarily about what God does for us. It
is not within our own power or ability to become righteous in any sense that is
acceptable before God.
Let me then give you three
things to keep in mind as we prepare for Christmas. The first is that we must
wait. Before we act and busy ourselves, we must wait and listen to God.
Preparing for Christmas means to stop our running around and to shut our mouths
for a while to foster a hunger and desire for the Word of God.
Secondly, hearing God’s Word
leads us repentance, to admit that we have fallen short of the holiness that we
have been called to in our Baptism. The closer we come to God the more we
realize how our lives are out of line with God’s will and fail to honour Him.
That is why preparing for Christmas involves repentance.
The third important thing to
keep in mind is that hearing God’s Word leads us to faith, to believe the good
news and to trust God’s promise to forgive us; to really believe that we are
His beloved child whom He promises to take care of.
Three things to keep in
mind: As we wait and open ourselves to God’s Word, God works a desire within us
for a closer fellowship with Him. This leads us to an attitude of repentance
and to a living faith in His promises. That is what preparing for Christmas is
It really should take a load
off of our shoulders to know that there is nothing we can or need to do to make
Christmas more meaningful. God has done it all! But it really is not easy for
us to just wait and trust God to fulfill His promises. It is not easy to admit
our faults to each other and to change our habits that keep Jesus locked away
in the closet of our lives.
For we like to believe that
we are in control of our lives (at least we adults!). But in reality, we have
very little control. That is why as you prepare to celebrate Christmas,
remember that it is about Jesus. He is coming to town and is willing to come
and stay with you and your family so that you may have true peace and joy, not
just for Christmas, but for always.
In closing, I have changed
the words of the Santa Claus song a bit to reflect a truer, though still
imperfect, rendition of what it means to prepare for Christmas:
Oh! You better watch out,
You better repent,
You better not doubt,
I'm telling you why:
Jesus Christ is coming to town!
He's given His life,
That you may live
And bring you
to your heavenly home.
Jesus Christ is coming to town!
He sees you when you're
He knows when you're awake.
He loves you even when you’re bad,
Although it makes Him sad!
Oh! You better watch out,
You better repent,
You better not doubt,
I'm telling you why:
Jesus Christ is coming to town!
May the love of God the Father,
the grace of our Lord Jesus Christ and the fellowship of the Holy Spirit help
you prepare your hearts and minds to welcome Christ at the celebration of His
birth. Amen.