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Membership and Related Institutions


We are a member of the Lutheran Church - Canada (LC-C) and part of the East District, LC-C.


Click here for The Canadian Lutheran Online, the award winning magazine of the Lutheran ChurchCanada.


Young Adults: We support and are a part of the East District Lutheran Young Adults (EDLYA) group, which offers fellowship for LC-C and LCMS Young adults, provides ministry to youth, and establishes local Young Adult programs.


Our sister church in the U.S. is the Lutheran Church Missouri Synod.


We are a member of the International Lutheran Council, a world-wide association of confessional Lutheran Churches.


We work with Canadian Lutheran World Relief, which initiates development projects, assists Lutheran congregations to sponsor refugees, and coordinates emergency relief in response to needs around the world.


Lutheran Hour Ministries: An auxiliary of the LC-C and the LCMS.  The mission of the LHM is to “Bring Christ to the Nations – and the Nations to the Church” through broadcast and other media.


Other Institutions: Click here to view our sister churches and partner organizations around the world.


Lutheran ChurchCanada Education


The Lutheran ChurchCanada supports educational efforts through a variety of educational institutions at the primary, secondary, and post-secondary levels.  Click here to learn more about our educational efforts in Canada.


Our Seminaries in Canada:


Concordia Lutheran Theological Seminary, St. Catharines Ontario

Concordia Lutheran Seminary, Edmonton, Alberta




The Bible Gateway  – Search nine versions of the Bible in twelve languages

Search the Bible – A Bible search tool that allows a passage search and a word search (from the Lutheran Hour online)
Audio-Bible.com  – Listen to any part of the Bible online


Hymns and Music


Lutheran Hymnal.com   Hear the music and see the words from Lutheran hymnals online
Lutheran Folk Christmas  Advent and Christmas music from the good folks at the Lutheran hymnals online
Hymns and Carols Of Christmas  Sing Christmas carols and rejoice. Read the lyrics and listen to the music.
Christmas Carols.net  Another great place to find all of your Christmas carol favourites


Links for Kids


The Puzzle Club  - Activity centre with games, stories and an online radio drama
Mission Friends - LCMS missionaries share stories, recipes, and games from people of many countries
Sunday School Lessons  - Joyfully shares the wonders of learning about God
Veggie Tales  - Fun games and activities


Miscellaneous Lutheran Resources


What is a Lutheran? – Link to the Book of Concord, the confessions of the Lutheran Church.

Project Wittenberg – An electronic library of Lutheranism.  Includes electronic biographies, commentaries, hymns, quotes, statements of faith, and theological treatises.

Cranach Institute – Devoted to working out the implications of the Lutheran doctrine of vocation and engaging contemporary culture with the truths of the Lutheran confessions.

Issues etc. – A radio program put out by the Lutheran Church - Missouri Synod with many links to online articles

Catholic and Lutheran Similarities and Differences - A website explaining the differences and similiarities between these two churches. New!


Online Journals


For the Life of the World – Online journal published by Concordia Theological Seminary, Ft. Wayne Indiana.

Higher Things – Online Lutheran magazine focusing on youth and young adults.

Logia – A Journal of Lutheran Theology




Copyright © 2004 Trinity Evangelical Lutheran Church