About Our Pastor:
Pastor Gerhard A. Wilch was born in Abbotsford, BC, in 1966. His father’s vocation as a theological teacher allowed his family an international experience, spending time in the U.S. and Germany.
Gerhard graduated from Brock University in St. Catharines with a M.Sc. in Biology. While at Brock Gerhard made friends with international students and served one year as president of the International Student’s Association. While pursuing doctoral work at McMaster University in Hamilton, Gerhard was awarded an NSERC scholarship.
In Hamilton, Gerhard became involved in a Bible study for Canadian newcomers. In this context he realized God’s call to serve in this important local mission field and he enrolled at Concordia Lutheran Theological Seminary in St. Catharines.
Gerhard graduated in 1996 with a M.Div. and was called to serve as a missionary with Philoxenia/Hospitality Ministry in the Toronto area. There he served with his wife, Tingyu Niu Wilch, assisting Canadian newcomers and sharing the Gospel with them.
In 2001 Gerhard was called to serve as Pastor of Trinity Evangelical Lutheran Church in Toronto. There he and his wife helped start a vibrant ministry to Canadian newcomers and continue to share that vision with other interested churches.
Pastor Wilch would welcome the opportunity to correspond or talk with you: You may contact him at 416-921-9417 or trinitytoronto@yahoo.ca
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