Advent 4-A, December 19, 2004
Text: Isaiah 7:10-17
Mary’s Child–The Sign of God’s Favour 
The cartoon character Charlie Brown had a crush on a certain girl. He 
would always wonder how she might feel towards him. Never did he have 
enough courage to speak to her. He was always hoping for an unmistakable 
sign of how she felt towards him. Without it his relationship with her 
remained paralyzed.
In our Old Testament text, God’s people, Judah and her king, are in 
desperate need of a sign from the Lord, some kind of proof that God will 
be with them in a time of crisis. Remarkably, the sign God gives is one 
that would reach many centuries, beyond the immediate context. In fact, 
the sign first given to King Ahaz and Judah in the eighth century B.C. 
is the sign that continues to assure us of God’s care and presence for 
all time and beyond.
Mary’s Child is the Sign, The Proof of God’s Love!
I. Ahaz needed a sign.
The land of Judah found itself facing two strong enemies. Both Israel, 
the Northern Kingdom that had broken off from Judah after the days of 
Solomon, and Aram, or Syria, were coming to attack it (7:1). King Ahaz 
and the people of Judah were not certain that they would be able to 
defend themselves from these enemies. The hearts of the people were shaken 
just as the trees of the forest are shaken by the wind (7:2). They 
needed a sign—a sign that God was with them, a sign that God would help 
them, a sign that they would not fight this battle alone.
Through the prophet Isaiah God assured Ahaz that these enemies would 
not be able to defeat them. God told him, “It will not take place” (7:7). 
God called upon Ahaz and the people of Judah to stand firm in His 
promise (7:9).
But could they trust God’s Word? The enemies looked so powerful, so 
impressive. Would God really keep His promise? Could they be certain that 
God would help them overcome their enemies? A sign of God’s favour, a 
sign of God’s love and protection, would certainly help them overcome 
their fears and anxieties.
II. We too need a sign.
We, too, have enemies that threaten us. Crime and violence seem to be 
increasing all around us. Terrorists threaten global stability and 
security. We must also deal with increasing costs of health care while 
services get cut. Our governments and courts seem determined to replace 
sound social values with poor, politically correct ones. Cause for worry 
abounds. We need a sign—a sign that God is with us, a sign that God loves 
us, a sign that He will help us and take care of us.
But more threatening is our sin. We know that we have strayed from 
God’s holy Word and His will for us. We wonder if our sin will put us 
outside of God’s love, outside of His grace. Will our sin destroy our 
eternal future? We need a sign, a sign that God still loves us in spite of 
our sin, a sign that God forgives us.
Sometimes we feel there is no sign—at least not for me. And then doubts 
arise in our minds. Doubts fueled by lies that are constantly whispered 
in our ears: That science proves there is no God and that the Bible is 
mostly fiction; that our society is evolving and the Bible’s morality 
is out of date; that it doesn’t matter what the Bible says, but what you 
feel is right for you; and that If God really loves you, hoc come you 
don’t feel it? So, can God give us a sign to put these doubts to rest? 
What does God offer us?
God has come to us through His prophets and apostles and made promises 
to us. He has promised He would be with us always (Matthew 28:20). He 
has promised to work all things together for good (Romans 8:28). He has 
promised to meet all our needs according to His glorious riches in 
Christ Jesus  (Philippians 4:19). He has promised not to give us more than 
we can bear (1 Corinthians 10:13).
But can we trust God to keep His promises? Will He really do all these 
wonderful things He’s promised? Will God be faithful to His Word? A 
sign would help us to believe and be at peace. A sign would help us too.
III. God gives us a sign of His favour and love.
God did give Ahaz a sign: “Again the LORD spoke to Ahaz [through 
Isaiah], ‘Ask the LORD your God for a sign, whether in the deepest depths or 
in the highest heights’” (10, 11). God understood how helpful a sign 
would be for His people, and He gave Ahaz carte blanche to choose it. 
Incredibly, Ahaz refused God’s offer: “Ahaz said, ‘I will not ask; I will 
not put the LORD to the test’” (12). Ahaz, a hardened unbeliever, 
wanted no part of God’s help. He’d already decided what he was going to do 
to bail himself out of the crisis: he would seek an alliance with the 
even more dangerous and more wicked Assyrians. As it turned out, they did 
come to his aid, destroying both Israel and Aram, but soon after also 
turned on Judah.
Never mind. God’s kindness wouldn’t be put off by the king’s 
foolishness. “Then Isaiah said, ‘Hear now, you house of David! Is it not enough 
to try the patience of men? Will you try the patience of my God also? 
Therefore the Lord Himself will give you a sign’” (13). If Ahaz didn’t 
want a sign God would do one better: give a sign for the ages, one that 
would reassure His people in each one’s own here-and-now. God’s sign of 
His love for us is this: “The virgin will be with child and will give 
birth to a son, and will call him Immanuel” (14), “God with us.”
The sign was, of course, fulfilled in the person of Jesus Christ. The 
Gospel text for today tells us that Mary was that virgin who gave birth 
to the Son. It tells us that Jesus is the promised Immanuel. Jesus is 
God in human flesh, God come down from heaven to live and dwell among 
The birth of Jesus is then the sign of God’s favour. Jesus is the sign 
that God loves us and will take care of us. The birth of Christ is the 
sign. For Jesus came into this world and took on human flesh so that 
ultimately He could be nailed to a cross and give up His life as the 
payment for our sins. And if God did not withhold even His Son from us, 
then obviously there is nothing good that God will withhold from us. Jesus 
was born of a virgin—born in the flesh, suffered in the flesh, raised 
in the flesh. As He lives, you also will live forever. Jesus is the 
sign, the proof of God’s love, forgiveness and faithfulness!
Illustration: The psychiatrist Dr. John Rosen was known for his work 
with schizophrenics. Instead of staying aloof from his patients, Dr. 
Rosen moved into the ward with them. His bed was by their beds. He lived 
the life they had to live. He loved them. If they didn’t talk, he didn’t 
talk either. It was as if his being there communicated something they 
hadn’t experienced in years—somebody loved them. But he did something 
else too. He put his arms around them and hugged them. He held these 
unattractive, difficult to love people and loved them back into life. Often 
the first words they spoke were simply “thank you” (Mark Berg, Seasonal 
Illustrations). This is what Jesus did at Christmas. He moved into the 
ward with us. His bed is among our beds. He hugs us, loves us, and 
leads us to a restored life. Jesus communicates to us that we are loved.
Because God gave us a sign and fulfilled it, our hearts can now be at 
peace. Doubts and worry do not have to be our daily companions. God 
loves us! He is with us! Our sins are forgiven! Heaven will be our eternal 
home! God will take care of us and help us make it through life in this 
often difficult world! Jesus is the sign that all these things are so.
In just a few days we will celebrate Christmas. But what will we really 
be celebrating? We will not just be celebrating getting together with 
family or receiving presents. What we will really be celebrating is the 
sign God gave us of His love, His protection and favour. “The virgin 
will be with child and will give birth to a son and will call Him 
Immanuel” (14). This sign is how we know that God is with us and will keep all 
His promises. May this sign lead you to truly celebrate Christ’s birth 
this year! In Jesus’ name, Amen!
This message is based on a sermon prepared by Rev. Scott Johnson for 
Concordia Pulpit Resources.