Text: Ephesians 1:3-14
Relax: God Has a Plan For Your Life!
One of the purposes for going on vacation is to return home relaxed and
refreshed, and recharged to resume your busy life with renewed energy.
But have you ever experienced a vacation after which you felt more
tired or exhausted than when you started? Well, what I usually find the
most exhausting part of a vacation is before the planning stage of a
vacation. For me, it is not knowing where you should go or trying to figure
out what you are going to do. That really makes me anxious when I
cannot visualize a plan. In order for me to enjoy my vacation, I like to
know the basic plan of where and what we are going to go. Knowing this
gives me much comfort. And I believe this is true for all people. It is
not only true for vacations but also every other aspect of our lives. We
all need to know that there is a basic plan according to which we can
live our lives.
Our text for meditation this morning is from our Epistle reading of the
first chapter of Ephesians. This is one of the most beautiful and
comforting sections in the Bible. Paul's message here is that we need not
be anxious about anything. And I see him giving us at least four
reasons why we don't have to be anxious: 1. God has a plan for your life.
2. God is responsible for working out this plan. 3. Everything that
happens in your life will have a good outcome. 4. Your life is leading
towards a wonderful goal.
What is this plan of God about? The first thing we are told is that God
"chose us in [Christ] before the creation of the world to be holy and
blameless in His sight. In love He predestined us to be adopted as His
sons through Jesus Christ, in accordance with His pleasure and
will". These are some pretty amazing things that are said about us. Can you
believe that you are God's own children who are holy and blameless?
By ourselves we are not. But having been made part of Christ we are, for
Christ is all those wonderful things.
The second thing we are told about God's plan is that we have been
chosen and predestined. This shows us that participation in God's plan
is not up to us to bring about. Whatever has been done to bring about
our salvation and to preserve us in that condition is entirely the work
of God. There is nothing left for us to do, but to do what Paul is
doing in this letter to the Christians in Ephesus: To praise God for all He
has done. And that is essentially what it means to be a Christian: To
sing the praises of our Lord's mighty and wonderful deeds. And this,
my friends is the best medicine for all kinds of medical and non-medical
conditions that plague mankind. If only our eyes were open to His
wonderful saving presence among us, we would be so much better off, both
spiritually and physically. Then we could experience the abundant life
Jesus promises those who remain in Him.
The third thing Paul tells us of God's plan is that everything that
happens in our life happens for a purpose. It is true that many things
happen where we can see absolutely no good coming from. When, for
example millions of people die of starvation, or we see the ever-increasing
and spreading hatred and open warfare among the nations of our world.
But while all we can see is the waste of human life and apparent
meaninglessness, there is more to the picture that we cannot see. For is our
God not a God who can raise the dead and give back a life to the one
who has died? Is God not the One who rewards those who have trusted Him,
done what is right, and patiently endured all kinds of sufferings? Then
who are we to say that there is anything that happens that is
meaningless? Just because we cannot see the result or solve our worlds problems
does not mean God cannot.
If it is true that everything that happens to us is part of God's
plan, this has some very important implications. It means, for example,
that there is no more room for complaining or dissatisfaction. That would
be rebellion against God who has allowed you to experience these
difficulties for a purpose. It is not our job to criticize God. It is more
profitable to ask why God is allowing these things to happen. Perhaps
there is a lesson in it for us. Often, however, there is no answer from
God. Sometimes difficulties happen simply as an opportunity to exercise
our trust in the Lord; Trusting our Lord to work out everything for our
The fourth thing Paul tells us about God's plan is that our lives are
heading towards a goal - and it is not the grave! For those who are in
Christ, we have an inheritance beyond the grave, when we will live out
the rest of eternity in the presence of our God who loves us and
desires nothing less but that we find complete satisfaction in all that we
are and in all that we do.
Paul reminds us that the current times are reaching their fulfillment.
This means that God has set a time when everything that is happening in
the world will one day be finished and complete. The only reason that
the world is still going on as it is, is because the Good News of
God's love in Jesus Christ has not yet reached all the peoples of the
world. At some point that task will be complete. Then the time will be ready
for God to raise all the dead and welcome His children into His eternal
kingdom. Then, as Paul says, everything in heaven and on earth will all
come under the headship (leadership) of Jesus Christ. And with the able
leadership of our Lord, there will no longer be any room for sin and
evil. Everything will be perfect in harmony and in purpose.
Finally, as if to answer the question of how we can be sure that we
really are in Christ (especially since it is not up to us to bring it
about) and how we can be sure of all these wonderful realities in our life,
Paul concludes this section saying, "You were also included in Christ
when you heard the word of truth, the gospel of your salvation. Having
believed, you were marked in Him with a seal, the promised Holy Spirit,
who is a deposit, guaranteeing our inheritance until the redemption of
those who are God's possession - to the praise of His glory."
God has caused us to hear His Word. And His word is powerful and
active, sharper than a double-edged sword. It is powerful because God's
Holy Spirit is active in and through the Word. He applies God's Law to
our hearts and consciences, helping us recognize our sin and our need
for a Saviour. Then the Holy Spirit also applies the Good News of God's
forgiveness in Christ, comforting us and leading us to put our trust in
Those who through the work of the Holy Spirit have put their trust in
Jesus also receive the Holy Spirit as a gift to abide with them. The
Holy Spirit is the seal of God's ownership upon us and is promised to
all who are baptized into the name of the Holy Trinity - the Father, the
Son, and the Holy Spirit. The baptismal sealing in the Holy Spirit that
you have received is your deposit that guarantees your inheritance
until the time when Christ will return to take you into His kingdom to be
with Him forever.
This is what the wonderful message that God has a plan for your life is
about: You do not need to be anxious about anything, for God has a
great plan for your life. Everything that has happened and that will happen
will end up being for your good, so relax, and enjoy your life!
Secondly, everything has a purpose and is meaningful. You just need to trust
God to know what He is doing and let Him do it. Thirdly, God has a
wonderful goal all prepared for your life. It is to be part of His
everlasting kingdom! And finally, there is nothing you need to do to earn any of
this. It is God's gift to you through Jesus Christ our Lord.
Therefore let us follow Paul's example and praise "the God and
Father of our Lord Jesus Christ, who has blessed us in the heavenly realm
with every spiritual blessing in Christ." And that is our mission on
earth - praising and glorifying our Lord. Amen.