Yes, believe it or not, it has been a
whole year since our little group came into existence. During that time we have
grown from a handful of members that merely needed a place to keep in touch with
each other, to a group of over 50 from all over the world. Most of us were
lost because of the disbandment of a former group. So, I created our email list
to enable us to continue the bonds of friendship we had made.
I started the e-group list reluctantly,
not sure whether it was the right thing to do or not. I had many misgivings as
some of you can vouch for. I worried and fretted that it might create bad
feelings, or that I was being too bold in taking on such a task. As it
turned out, I believe that I did the right thing. It makes me feel all warm and
fuzzy to know that we have grown into the wonderful group we are now.
We have grown from a simple mailing list
into a group with our very own site. Complete with our own logo, motto, and
creed. We all participated in putting it together and we continue to share in
each new thing that is added to this site. I may have began this alone, but it
would never have grown without the love and support of each and every one of
We have grown, from one simple home page
into many pages that all have contributed to and made special. Pages for gifts,
pages with poetry, pages about our heritage and our families. Pages with fun and
games, pages where we put what was in our hearts and shared with each other. We
have laughed together and cried together over this past year. We have truly
upheld our motto, We Believe In Each Other. We have helped each other through
good times and bad with unfaltering support. We have learned together. There are
too many wonderful things to include here that we have accomplished over the
last year. Most of all we have grown to love each other.
And so, my very Special Angels, I
dedicate these first anniversary pages to all of you. You, who have filled my
heart with a joy and love that I never had until you came into my life. I
dedicate them to you to say Thank You and to let you know how very much you mean
to me....and how much I love each of you.
Your founder
Ravishing Ruth