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(1) What relation was Methuselah to Noah?
Answer: Grandfather

(2) Who makes a TV comeback as Nash Bridge's sidekick, Joe Dominguez?
Answer: Cheech Marin

(3) What school of design, popular in the 1920s and 30s, emphasized sleek, streamlined forms?
Answer: Art Deco

(4) What presidential candidate appeared on Laugh-in?
Answer: Richard Nixon

(5) Who was the founder of the Irish home-rule movement?
Answer: Butt, Isaac

(6) What crop is the subject of the museum located in Kenly, N.C.?
Answer: Tobacco

(7) Who painted "The Birth of Venus"?
Answer: Sandro Botticelli

(8) Who was the author of The Mill on the Floss?
Answer: Eliot, George

(9) Which artist recorded the hit song black is black?
Answer: Los Bravos

(10) Who is the god of the sea in Greek mythology?
Answer: Poseidon

(11) From the Norman Conquest of 1066 until the 14th century, which language generally replaced English as the medium of ordinary literary composition in England?
Answer: French

(12) A center-seeking force that causes an object to move in a circular path?
Answer: Centripetal Force

(13) What chemical compound in blood enables the blood to transport oxygen?
Answer: Hemoglobin

(14) Acid rain forms when nitrogen oxides react with atmospheric moisture to produce what?
Answer: Nitric Acid

(15) This British biologist is best known for his active support of Charles Darwin's theory of evolution?
Answer: Huxley, Thomas Henry

(16) Many penguins swim underwater using a special technique called what?
Answer: Porpoising

(17) In the United States, the "tornado season" is generally in which season?
Answer: Spring

(18) What was the film in which Robert DeNiro played an aspiring, kidnapping comedian?
Answer: King of Comedy

(19) What were periods in the history of the earth called when glaciers covered much of the surface of the continents?
Answer: Ice ages

(20) In 1995, what studio became the first new Hollywood studio in 55 years?
Answer: Dreamworks SKG

(21) What French actor, poet, and dramatist coined the concept of the theater of cruelty?
Answer: Artaud, Antonin

(22) Who is the Russian short-story writer and playwright whose works are studies in the spiritual failures of characters in a disintegrating aristocratic society?
Answer: Chekhov, Anton Pavlovich

(23) What is the Dutch trading post that was established on Manhattan's southern tip in 1625?
Answer: New Amsterdam

(24) During the Civil War, Abraham Lincoln is reputed to have said to what author, "So you are the little woman who started this big war?
Answer: Harriet Beecher Stowe

(25) Completed in 1835, what stone structure has become a central landmark of Paris and one of the best-known monuments in the Western world?
Answer: Arc de Triomphe

(26) During a stint as a weatherman before he became a successful talk show host, who once predicted hail 'the size of canned hams'?
Answer: David Letterman

(27) What is the peace treaty ending the First World War known as?
Answer: The Treaty of Versailles

(28) What is the name of the collection of Buddhist holy texts, or "Three Baskets"?
Answer: Tipitaka

(29) Who is the American filmmaker (1935 - ), whose highly personal films are often humorous depiction’s of neurotic urban dwellers preoccupied with love and death?
Answer: Allen, Woody

(30) Who was the legendary Miami Dolphin coach who retired after the 1995 season?
Answer: Don Shula

(31) What is the name of the long, highly coiled strands of genetic material inside a cell?
Answer: Chromosomes

(32) Whose novels, The Wings of the Dove (1902), The Ambassadors (1903), and The Golden Bowl (1904) take up the theme of contrast between American and European societies?
Answer: James, Henry

(33) What are formed in high mountains or high latitudes when snow falls at a greater rate than it melts?
Answer: Glacier

(34) Which mineral is mined to produce aluminum?
Answer: Bauxite

(35) What company made the "Model T" of TVs in the 1940s and 50s?
Answer: RCA

(36) Who is the author of Our Town?
Answer: Wilder, Thornton Niven

(37) What television comedian was known for the dialects, pantomimes, and improvisations he performed as cohost of "Your Show of Shows" (1950-1954)?
Answer: Caesar, Sid

(38) A strong windstorm characterized by a funnel-shaped cloud?
Answer: Tornado

(39) What is the former name for Jakarta, Indonesia?
Answer: Batavia

(40) What is the Doric temple of Athena, Greek goddess of wisdom, on the Acropolis in Athens?
Answer: Parthenon

(41) What museum was formerly called the Museum of Nonobjective Painting?
Answer: Guggenheim Museum

(42) How do we better know the legendary rocker who was born Robert Zimmerman?
Answer: Bob Dylan

(43) Next to quartz, this is the earth's most abundant mineral?
Answer: Calcite

(44) Part of northern France became known as Normandy after it was handed over to an army of what people in 911?
Answer: Vikings

(45) A series of whose poems describe the triangular relationship between the poet, a beautiful young man and a mysterious "dark lady?"
Answer: Shakespeare, William

(46) In Greek mythology, who is the rival of the goddess Persephone for the love of the youth Adonis?
Answer: Aphrodite

(47) What male caused an instant international scandal by becoming a "she" through a sex change operation?
Answer: Christine Jorgenson

(48) What is the oldest board game in recorded history, believed to have originated in Mesopotamia?
Answer: Backgammon

(49) Who directed "Philadelphia Story"?
Answer: George Cukor

(50) What name did James Hilton, author of Lost Horizon, give to his fictional land of peace and perpetual youth?
Answer: Shangri-La

(51) Which islands separate the Bering Sea from the Pacific Ocean?
Answer: Aleutian Islands

(52) Which legendary guitarist calls his guitar 'Lucille'?
Answer: B.B. King

(53) A variety of quartz which is purple in color is called?
Answer: Amethyst

(54) Who shouted, "A horse, a horse, my kingdom for a horse!"?
Answer: Richard the Third

(55) What famous English scientist studied chimpanzees at the Gombe Reserve in Africa?
Answer: Goodall, Jane

(56) What is the capital of the Indonesian province of Irian Jaya?
Answer: Jayapura

(57) What is a hollow chamber below the surface of the earth called??
Answer: Cave

(58) Which National League baseball player was the Rookie of the Year in 1947 and MVP in 1949?
Answer: Jackie Robinson

(59) What is the brightest star outside the Solar System?
Answer: Sirius

(60) According to Mark Antony, which of Caesar's assassins did he consider, "the noblest Roman of them all?"
Answer: Brutus

(61) What Ernest Hemingway novel deals with a group of young Americans living in Europe in the 1920s -- the so-called lost generation?
Answer: The Sun also Rises

(62) In which city is O'Hare airport located?
Answer: Chicago

(63) Where is the control center for the body's biological clock located?
Answer: Hypothalamus

(64) Against what team were the Yankees playing in 1932 when Babe Ruth pointed to the spot in the stands where he was going to hit a home run?
Answer: Chicago Cubs

(65) What is the name of the three small bones found in the middle ear?
Answer: Ossicles

(66) Cool areas on the surface of the sun are called what?
Answer: Sunspots

(67) In which city was the first Super Bowl held?
Answer: Los Angeles

(68) The smallest cells are?
Answer: Mycoplasmas

(69) In croquet, what is the name of the hoops through which players hit wooden balls?
Answer: Wickets

(70) In Pulp Fiction, what are Vincent and Jules delivering to Marcellus?
Answer: Briefcase

(71) Who shot William McKinley?
Answer: Leon Czolgosz

(72) Who was the author of The Canterbury Tales and Troilus and Criseyde?
Answer: Geoffrey Chaucer

(73) Which wild member of the dog family is found throughout North America?
Answer: Coyote

(74) What is the most populous city in the United States?
Answer: New York City

(75) Which Egyptian pharaoh (about 2638-2613 BC), was the builder of the great pyramid at Giza?
Answer: Khufu

(76) Who was the ruler of China during the arrival of Marco Polo?
Answer: Kublai Khan

(77) Who was the first American in space?
Answer: Alan Shepard

(78) What was the art movement founded in 1919 by Walter Gropius?
Answer: Bauhaus

(79) Who was the author of King Lear?
Answer: Shakespeare, William

(80) Which American ornithologist, born in Haiti in 1785, had his "The Birds of America" published in 1827?
Answer: John James Audubon

(81) Pacinian corpuscles are touch-sensitive nerve endings found in what part of the human body?
Answer: Finger Tips

(82) By the first quarter of the 20th century, the American version of what comic art emphasized broad, ribald comedy and scantily clad women?
Answer: Burlesque

(83) Who built Babylon's Ishtar Gate as well as the Hanging Gardens?
Answer: Nebuchadnezzar (II)

(84) Mammals who carry their young in pouches after birth are called?
Answer: Marsupials

(85) Orphism, a mystic cult of ancient Greece, is said to have been drawn from the writings of what legendary poet and musician?
Answer: Orpheus

(86) Biotechnology techniques produced factor VIII, a blood-clotting protein useful in treating people with?
Answer: Hemophilia

(87) Which French-born architect constructed the 1,000 ft. high tower for the Paris International Exposition of 1889?
Answer: Alexandre Gustave Eiffel

(88) Who is the author of Don Quixote, considered one of the greatest authors of Spanish literature?
Answer: Cervantes Saavedra, Miguel de

(89) Who, at least officially, is considered the discoverer of the North Pole?
Answer: Robert Peary

(90) If an infected appendix ruptures before treatment, this serious infection may occur?
Answer: PeritonitisI

(91) Who wrote the first five books of the Old Testament?
Answer: Moses

(92) What was the name of the last Shah of Iran?
Answer: Muhammad Reza Shah Pahlavi

(93) Which 5th century rulers forces overran much of Central and Eastern Europe and were known for their cruelty?
Answer: Atilla the Hun

(94) Oprah Winfrey's interview with what person brought in 90 million viewers in 1993?
Answer: Michael Jackson

(95) Which king of England is said to have obtained permission from the pope in 1155 to take over Ireland?
Answer: Henry II

(96) Amity Island was the setting for what 1975 film that also topped 1979's TV ratings?
Answer: JAWS

(97) What plants were dominant during the Age of Dinosaurs?
Answer: Ferns

(98) Tropical cyclones that originate in the Caribbean Sea and Gulf of Mexico are called?
Answer: Hurricanes

(99) Which French island in the Indian Ocean southeast of Madagascar, is the largest of the Mascarene island group?
Answer: Réunion

(100) Who was the author of Pride and Prejudice?
Answer: Austen, Jane

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