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In 246th place with 2095 points is... Team BURT!

Trivia 36: Keep On Trivia! April 8-10, 2005!
Our great thanks to all who played this year! We couldn't do it without you. Thanks again... hope you had fun!

We are players in the Worlds Largest Trivia Contest held each spring, originating from the University of Wisconsin Stevens Point campus' radio station. Click here to view the Trivia home page...

Oz's Trivia Page

About Team B.U.R.T.
In December of 2001, we lost our greatest supporter and the person that taught most of us how to really enjoy the simple things in our lives, like Trivia. Our team name is in dedication to him. Thanks Burt! We miss you every day.

We will be playing from our Rosholt WI headquarters! Thanks to all of you who are making plans to play. It should be another amazing year of Trivia!

All logos and images © 2004 Team BURT. All rights reserved. Thanks for visiting!

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