1) The Name of the Game is to have FUNNNNNNNNNNNN!!! in order for us ALL to achieve this please read on and take heed 2) Readers screen RULES, what they have first on their screen is FINAL.. Please feel free to ask ANY reader to look back and check, but please no ‘Crabbyness’ if you find your still not first on their screen, your probably Experiencing the FAMOUS Paltalk ‘Non-Existant Lag’!!! :O) 3) Readers are asked to PLEASE try to keep the questions they are asking as universal as possible, there is nothing worse than knowing NONE of the questions :O) NO Abbrevaitions - it's not fair for the players who type it in full only for the answer to be given to someone who didn't bother Last names suffice - UNLESS both names are asked for @ the begining of the question Numbers 0 - 10 are to be typed out in full (saves on the screen flying too fast) Points are awarded as follows :- Regular Trivvie - Games go to 30 - and one point awarded to first on readers screen Music Trivvie - Games go to 50 - 1 point for artist/group and 1 point for song title - these don't have to be on the same line unless asked for by the reader. Powerpoint Trivvie - Games go to 50 - 1 point is awarded to each member of the team who get it right until a member of the opposing team 'blocks' them. Tag Trivvie - Games go to 30 - 1 point is awarded to the first TWO answers of the same team showing consecutively on readers screen I.E joeboggs: HAY Maryanne: hay jezzegem: hay 1 point is given to the ladies :O) 4) Players are asked to PLEASE, type in Blue or Green if MALE and Pink or Red for Ladies - Thank You!! :O) 5) If someone is Harassing you in the room, please inform the people with @'s at that time, and I am sure they will do the best they can to deal with the situation, otherwise please contact one of the Founders of the Room (who are names on the HOMEPAGE of the website) :O) :O) 6) This IS a Trivvie room, therefore NOT a pick up joint!!!!!!!!!!! IF you are after ‘one on one chats with ’HOT’ people’, then please try looking in another forum :O) 7) People are asked NOT to put LINKS to pics, or other sites into the room, and if ever there is someone doing so, PLEASE NEVER click the link, unless someone has asked for it to be posted into the room, as you NEVER know where the link will lead you to!, and the Readers at that time, please, if you can Catch them before they go back out of the room, BAN their BUTTS ! ! ! ! ! :O) 8) On the subject of Banning, if you think you have been Banned for no reason, Take note of whom banned you and inform one of the Founders of the Room, and they will be pleased to look into it for you :O) :O) 9) Readers are asked NOT to use vulgar language on the mics, we are in an adult forum, therefore we can all act like adults and achieve a similar effect without using vulgar language, and with that in mind, the players are also asked to keep their fingers under control and refrain from typing obcenities,!! LMAO……………….. (We are not being 'Anal' but the reason being, no matter what time of the day it is there, somewhere in the world its daytime, and the chances are, there are children walking around in the vacinity of the computer) THANX for your co-operation on this matter :O) :O) MOST importantly, the READERS and the SCORERS (as are the Players), are here for ENJOYMENT, they are not paid for their services, so PLEASE don’t give them too much of a hard time!!!! :O) |