Various Tsalagi Phrases
A kind person u'da'nuh't - a person of soul, truth
and feeling
And also ulenu
And you? nihina, nihinahv
Have (I have it) Agwalii
He Goes About Edahi - personal male name
He has ended Al' skudig' - has died
He is smoking it Gok'sga - personal name
Hello Osiyo (Siyo, less formal)
He will die Hvya huska - death sentence to
How about you? nihina, nihinahv
How are you? dtohitsu
Good, thank you and how are you? Osda ale
wado. Nihina?
I am fine thank you O si quu wado
How much? how many? Hilagu
I accept your talk Hiwanisku dagogadanelugasi
I am a friend Agineli
I am good, well gasiu, dtohigwo
I am going to do something Ayvdega daneli
I am picking it up tsiniu
I am pounding it tsistau
I am speaking Awanihu
I climb tsilahi
I do not know tlayaquanta, tlayaquanita
I do not lie tsiagohega
I do not understand tla yigolig, tla yigoliga
I give you a name Aya danedda quado
I have it Agwiliu
I have spoken Awaniski
I love you gvgeyu, gvgeyuhi
I speak the truth tsiwanihu toeu
I speak not with two tongues tali tsudulanayi
degawanihu luwudi
I take you by the arm tsiayahinogani
I take you by the hand tsiayauwayi
I tried but failed tsulunahvski
It is cold uhyvdl, uhyvdla
It is not true talu toeuha
It's not yet time utaluli
It is true Hayu, hayv
It is warm uganowa
It is what you will Haleskuwa tekalei
It is what we will dihale skuwa tekalei
Know, I(a fact) Aquanta, aquanita
Know, I(information) golig, goliga
Know, you(a fact) tsanta
Know, you(information) Holga
Know, they(a fact) unata
Know, they(information) Anolga
Knows, he/she(a fact) unta
Knows, he/she(information) golga
Lending (I am) Ayatalista
Let's adjourn(singular) diniyelihi
Let's adjourn(plural) didiyelihi
Let's begin idalen, idalena
Looking (I am) detsikana
Marry (he will) tutsayesi
Merry Christmas Danistayohihv
Mischevious (he is) tsuneguheyu
Mischevious (I am) Aginegutsatu
Mother (my) Agitsi(his) utsi
Mother (her) unetsi
Mother (she is a) Aluli, aleutsi
My address is________ goweli
diginesdi________, gohweli diginesdi ______
My name is______ ______dawado,
Naked (they are) tsvyatiga
No Tla, Vtla
Now for the twelve! Ha! Taldugwu! - starting
signal for ballplay
Thank you Wado
No thank you Hano
You're welcome ( and sometimes used as ok)
What(a thing) gado
What am I doing? do gadvne, gado gadvnev
What are you doing? do hadvne, gado hadvnev
What is he/she doing? do advne, gado advnev
What are they doing? do anadvne, gado
anadvnea, gado anadvnev
What did you just say? dogi hadia, gadogi hadia
What do you want? gado usdi tsaduli, gado usdi
What is it? do usdi, gado usdi
What is your address? Hatlv gowel ditsanesdi,
hatlv gohweli ditsanesdi
What is your name? gado detsado gado detsadoa
What kind? gado usdi waduli, awadulia
Where Hatlu, hatlv, gatsu
Where do you live? Hatlv hinel, hatlv hinela
Which? gado
Who? Kaga
Yes Vv