Trailcraft Troop 123
Merit Badges to be offered.
Leatherwork Merit Badge
Gaylord's Specialty Crafts by appointment.  Usually takes 2-3 sessions.
Woodcarving Merit Badge
by appointment at
Gaylord's Specialty Crafts.  Usually takes 2 or more sessions.
Basketry Merit Badge
Gaylord's Specialty Crafts -  make an appointment - 2 hours
To contact Mr. Gaylord at Gaylord's Specialty Crafts - call 292-0810 or email at the link below.
Upcoming Merit Badges - make time in your schedule for these. . . .
Geology - October
Dog  Care & Pet Care start in September (Complete on Dec. 13)
Plumbing - September 25 & 27
Fishing (and Troop Fishing Tournament) - November 11 & 15
Personal Fitness start is December 17 (Finish in March)
Photography Merit Badge will be done over Spring Break.
Dec. 29 & 30, Jan. 3 & 6
As is usually the case, scouts from other troops are welcome to take our merit badges (as long as there is room) if they are willing to do the work.  Contact ASM Stew Gaylord at 292-0810 from 8:00 A.M.-6:00 P.M. or email at the link.--Gaylord's Email.