Ms. Kellie

Ms. Linda

Our Awesome Leaders!!

Mom of the Month

Mom of the month Responsibilities:

©         Bring snack for each meeting

©         Help out at the meetings and field trips during the month.

©         Helping with troop communication (reminder phone calls, helping to plan troop outings, calling families without  computers to notify them of emailed notices, etc.)

Thank you so much for volunteering to help our troop! The success of this troop relies on you! All of the girls greatly appreciate your  devotion and    commitment. If you have any questions about M.O.M. duties, please contact Kellie.

Junior Girl Scout Troop #1455

Close the Loop!


The Girl Scout Promise

On my honor, I will try:

To serve God and my country,

To help people at all times,

And to live by the Girl Scout Law.



Girl Scout Troop 1455

Happy Birthday to our Special Friends:

Bekka—May 6th

Vannia— June 8th

Happy Leader Appreciation Day!


Delores Sanchez


Norma Rodriguez