Congratulations girls!!!
Our initial order was for 1628 boxes of cookies!!!  This means we have achieved your goal of earning a Build-a-bear party, and ALSO a skating party!!!  You can continue to take orders and sell cookies through March 7th.  Anything you sell from now until then will earn money for the troop and also earn cookie credits for you!

We have a troop table top sale scheduled for Feb 21 from 4:00 - 9:00.  If you need location information, please contact Jessica or Michelle.
GS Cookie Mom Spreadsheet
Link to ALL THINGS about GS Cookie Sales
Dive In!

The theme for the 2004 cookie sale is "Make a Splash!" Here are some dates you'll want to know:

Jan 9-25

Jan 25

Jan 26-27

Jan 26 - Mar 7

Feb 12-17

Feb 12 - Mar 7

Mar 7

Mar 8-10

Mar 12-14, 19-21

Apr 2-4, 16-18

Initial order-taking

Girls' initial orders due to Troop Cookie Manager (Crystal)

Troop's initial order due to Community Cookie Manager

Order-taking continues

Cookie delivery to Cookie Stations

Cookie delivery to customers, direct sales of extra cookies, Troop Table-Top Sales

Girls' money due to Troop Cookie Manager

Troop final paperwork due to Community Cookie Manager