Brownie Troop 2502
November 2003 Newsletter


At our November 25th meeting, we will be making “Stone Ice Cream Sundaes”.  This will follow our reading and discussion of the story Stone Soup.  Please send one ice cream topping item with your child (chocolate, whipped cream, cherries, nuts, etc.)  And join us if you’d like!!

Winter Workshop
Our troop is signed up for the Circle T Trails Winter Workshop on November 15 from 1:00 to 3:00 pm.  Girls are requested to bring a new unwrapped toy for Toys for Tots and they will also be crafting Thanksgiving dinner tray decorations to be donated to Meals on Wheels.

Speak to one of your leaders if you need the location or directions.

Thinking Day
Thinking Day, February 22, is the time when Girl Guides and Girl Scouts the world over focus on the true meaning of the Guiding and Scouting movements, considering the ties that exist among all members of WAGGGS (World Association of Girl Guides and Girl Scouts).  Especially in the United States, Thinking Day is celebrated with internationally themed events, and troops often pick this time of year to learn about cultures from other nations and Scouting or Guiding in other countries.

Friends Around the World – Circle T Trails Community Event (see definitions at the end of this article)
This annual event is a girl scout "trip around the world" that celebrates Thinking Day (Feb. 22).  Friends Around the World celebrates the greater world of girl scouting and girl guiding as we learn about different countries and how girls live there.

Each troop selects a
WAGGGS country to represent.  They use display boards, foods, games, clothing, songs or SWAPs to provide information about their country to other troops who "visit" their country.  Girls are given passports in which they place the flag stickers they receive from the countries they visit.

22 troops of all ages participated in this event in 2003.  Attendance was 250 including girls and adults.  Everyone had a great time and we collected lots of food for the food pantry at the hosting church!

Our troop has chosen Ireland as the country we will represent.  As a
start up activity for many upcoming meetings we will be working on our SWAPs for Friends Around the World.

Start up activity – activity that engages the girls who arrive a few minutes early for regular meetings until everyone has arrived and we are ready to open the meeting.

SWAPs – stands for ‘Shared With A Pal’.  SWAPS are small, inexpensive items that are traded between Girl Scouts or between troops.  At the Friends Around the World event, each troop makes approximately 200 SWAPS that represent their chosen country in some way.  The girls will take turns handing them out to visitors and telling about them.

WAGGGS – World Association of Girl Guides and Girl Scouts.  This is the global association to which we belong.  Girl Guides are the equivalent of the US Girl Scouts in many other countries, including Ireland.

A Wee Bit About Ireland
We are in the process of planning out our presentation on Ireland.  In the months between now and Thinking Day, we will be learning facts and traditions about Girl Guiding as well as life in general in Ireland.  We will share this information with the parents through articles in our newsletter.

In Ireland, Girl Guides aged 6 – 8 are called Brownies, just like in the United States.  The troops are aligned in sub-groups called “Sixes”.  Guess how many girls are in each six?  SIX, of course!  Each six within a troop has a mascot, Little People, Fairies, Elves, Pixies, Gnomes, Imps, Leprechauns or Sprites.  For our SWAPs we will be making these little mascots into charms to be pinned onto uniforms.

If your family has Irish heritage and you would like to share information, traditions, or memories with our troop, please let one of your leaders know!  Or if you have traveled to Ireland and would like to show and tell about your trip, we’d love to have you visit a meeting with your photos and/or souvenirs.

Girl Scout Days at Six Flags Over Texas
Join the Girl Scouts for the ultimate holiday celebration as Six Flags Over Texas presents Holiday in the Park.  Stroll through a Winter Wonderland themed shows, elaborate decorations, many of your favorite rides and a hill for sledding!  Enjoy the holiday magic that only Six Flags Over Texas can provide!
Who:  All Girl Scouts and their friends and family
What:  Girl Scout Days at Six Flags Over Texas
When: December 12 – 14
Cost: $13 each, ages 2 and younger free (Regular price is $29.99 and group rates are $19.99 plus tax)
How:  Purchase your tickets at any of the three Girl Scout Service Centers.  They will be available beginning November 1.
Questions?: Call Janet Holt at 817-737-7272, ext 305

Meeting Recaps
October 7 We used the foam dolls we made in a previous meeting (mounted on popsicle sticks) to put on a puppet show in a theater made from a big cardboard box.  The girls decorated the theater and then took turns putting on shows for each other.  Both shows had Halloween themes and involved lots of scared puppets. J  We Satisfied requirements # 1 & 5 for the Puppets, Dolls & Plays Try-It

October 14 Our meeting was held at Benbrook Elementary where the Follow the Star art workshop was open to the public.  The girls all created masterpieces that finished the sentence, “I Am a Star Because______”.  Some of the girls opted to enter their works in a contest.

October 21 We made our own pinwheels using cardstock and pencils that Whitney brought to the group from her vacation to Arizona and a Balloon Festival.  After we got them put together, the girls ran with them outside to make them spin.  Whitney also brought pictures of some of the hot air balloons she had seen and told us all about them.  We satisfied requirement #1 for the Movers Try-It.

At our 11/11 and 11/18 meetings we will have a guest leader helping the girls create and sew Thanksgiving wall hangings.  If you are good with this type of thing and would like to help, please let one of your leaders know!  Thanks!