Where the Scouting
Experience is

                                                                April 2002 Camporee 

  Twenty-eight Scouts and twelve leaders attended the annual Spring Camporee held at Rota-Kiwan. More than three hundred Scouts from Pathfinder and Wabano Districts participated in the Camporee. Twenty four stations were set up around the Boy Scout and Cub Scout camps to challenge Scouts in decision making, teamwork, compass skills, teamwork, matchless fire starting, teamwork, controlled knife throwing, teamwork, monkey bridge construction, teamwork, log walking, teamwork, building an emergency shelter, teamwork, human knots, teamwork, passing through a giant spider web, teamwork, A-frame walkers, and teamwork.

    The day full of activities was concluded with a campfire that included skits and flag retirement ceremony. The Camporee was designed to be a non-competitive event between troops and offer an opportunity for Scouts to solve the challenges and work together as teams. We did receive ribbons for our gateway that was constructed by the new Scouts and for camp safety for having a fire extinguisher in the cooking area of camp.  

  Led by SPL Cam H and Mike B, a monkey bridge was constructed across the ravine near our campsite. Everyone had an opportunity to cross the bridge made of heavy rope and twine.   A steak dinner was prepared by the Scoutmaster was served to Nate E for 100 nights of camping. This is a new tradition for any Scout who has completed 100 nights. Hardest part is doing the paperwork.   In the rain Sunday morning we took down camp and returned to CHUM by 12:30. This was a very successful Camporee.

click here for pictures of Camporee

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