Twenty Scouts and 5 leaders spent last weekend at Rota-Kiwan for our January campout. Sam C and Eric S completed the requirements for Polar Bear during the weekend. Nate E, Ryan O and Mr. Ekola joined them at the Houston campsite. Everyone else stayed in Tamarack Cabin. The weather was perfect for a winter campout. Temperature was cold and crisp with snow falling all weekend. No wind so the light snow really collected on the trees, what a beautiful sight! Our traditional night hikes on Friday and Saturday lasted longer than usual because the Scouts found the Archery Range to be great for night time version of Capture the Flag! Not sure who won but everyone seemed to enjoy the game. Patrols are now cooking atleast a portion of 1 meal each campout in a Dutch Oven. Dan H and his patrol cooked his Dad's recipe of chili. Ben B and his patrol made Apple Brown Betty's for dessert, We also had cinnamon rolls and baked blueberry French bread. There were not any left overs! Mr. Clark has established the new standard for creative snoring. Saturday morning several Scouts mentioned the noise during the night. Sunday morning no one said a word. With all the activities on Saturday, everyone slept very sound and the little bear noise wasn't even heard. On Saturday Ranger Rick and others cut down 3 big oak trees where one of the new shower houses is going to be built. We worked for an hour in the afternoon moving the logs by sled to the road edge. Ranger Rick was very impressed with the work of Troop 287 and sent a treat home that was shared at the meeting this week. RETURN TO ACTIVITIES PAGE |