Trailhead Aims of    Scouting
     Character Devemopment
     Citizenship  Training
     Mental and Physical Training
A NEWSLETTER FOR TROOP 287, PORTAGE,MICHIGAN                                     Volume III  Issue 2        NOVEMBER 2001
THE WHOLE OBJECT of our Scouting is to seize the boy's the right         shape and to encourage and develop its individuality so that the boy    -may educate himself to become a good man and a valuable citizen for his
By so doing we may hope to take a useful part in bringing  strength, both moral and physical, to the nation. But in developing  national aspirations there is always the danger of becoming narrow and  jealous of other nations. Unless we avoid this we bring about the very  evil we are anxious to escape.
Fortunately in the Scout Movement we have Brother Scouts organized in almost every civilized country in the world,  and we have formed already the tangible nucleus of a World Brotherhood.   And the potentialities of this are being supplemented by the wider development of the cooperative sister movement, the Girl Guides (Girl  Scouts).
In every country the purpose of the Scouts'  training is  identical, namely, efficiency for Service towards others; and with such  an object in common, we can, as an International Brotherhood in Service,  go forward and do a far-reaching work. In our training of the boy we  develop the individual in both spirit and efficiency to be an effective  player in his national team of citizenhood. Acting on the same principle  in the case of a nation, we should try to develop the right spirit and  efficiency for helping that nation to work effectively in the team of   nations.
If each, then, plays in its place, and plays the  game, there will be greater prosperity and happiness throughout   the world, there will be brought about at last that condition which has so long been looked for - Peace and Goodwill among men.
November Theme: Wilderness Survival
Nov 3 Holiday Parade, Kalamazoo
Nov 5 Boards of Review Meeting (s-cobra, p-moose, g- conifer) Payment         due for Camp Greilick
Nov 9-11 Camp Greilick Campout & Qualifier
Nov 11 Committee Meeting
Nov 12 Boards of Review PLC * Meeting (s-dragon, p-viking, g- cobra)
Nov 17 WMU home game - take tickets!
Nov 19 Meeting (s-moose, p-conifer, g- dragon) Popcorn orders are due
Nov 24 WMU home game - take tickets!
Nov 26 Webelo Readyman
December Theme: Wilderness Survival cont. Dec 3 Boards of Review         Meeting (s-viking, p-cobra, g-moose)
Dec 7-9 Campout at RotaKiwan, Tamarack Cabin
A Guidebook For Scoutmasters On The Theory of Scout         Training By LORD BADEN-POWELL OF GILWELL Founder of the Boy Scout         Movement
Dec 8 Pickup popcorn order at the Bleasdale's
Dec 9 Committee Meeting
Dec 10 PLC * Meeting (s-conifer, p-dragon, g- viking)
S - service patrol - patrol leader is expected to have his patrol  arrive at the
      meeting at 6:30 pm and set up tables and chairs and any other tasks
      assigned by the SPL prior to the meeting.
Dec 17 Boards of Review Meeting (s-cobra, p-moose, g-conifer) Deposit         due for Feb 16 YMCA Lock-in Popcorn money due in full
P - program patrol - patrol leader is expected to prepare an opening        
      and closing ceremony and conduct the skills portion of the meeting.
G -  game patrol - patrol leader is expected to prepare inter-patrol       
       activity/game closely related to the theme for the meeting.
Dec 24 No Meeting - Christmas Eve Dec 31 No Meeting - New Years Eve *note         for PLC attendees: bring $3.00 for pizza and pop.
HOLIDAY PARADE Saturday November 3, the Scouts will walk in       the downtown Kalamazoo Holiday Parade. Please meet no later than 9:30am at       the Pharmacia parking lot located at Portage and Lovell. Class A uniforms,       please. We encourage all our Scouts to come participate and show our       support for Scouting in the community.
WMU GAMES Thanks to all those who have participated in the       Troop Fall Fund Raiser to date. We still have 2 more games November 17th       and 24th. As of this date we are still short for the November 24th Western       Football Game - If you are available and have not signed up - Call Kathy       Rafferty. A list of those who have contributed so far : THANKS August 30,       2001 Angela & Kirk Korista, Sharon Bunker, Tim Ekola, Kevin &       Brenda Marsh, Lorri and Doug Harris, Karen & Greg Brier, Rose Trice,       Mark and Kate Kinnink, Dave & Mary Jensen, Dan McQuitty, Tony       Kerzek,Bob Gillett, Joel and Jane Clark, Karen Atkinson, Larry Hayden       October 6, 2001 Ann & Rob Kilkuskie, Brenda and Kevin Marsh, Doug       Harris, Dwain Toma, Dwight Trice, Janet and Tim Osterman, Don McQuitty,       Tony Kersek, Bob Gillett, Randy Orwig, Bill Atkinson, Mike Linderman , Ron       & Arlene Masek, Paradine, Kathy Rafferty, Carol Hardy, Larry Hayden       October 13, 2001 Ann & Rob Kilkiski, Dan Bunker, George Beukelaere,       Brenda & Kevin Marsh, Tim Bunch, David & Lynn Slade, George Greer,       Rose Trice, Bleasdale, Don McQuitty, Tony Kerzick, Both Kamiliers, Mark       Rafferty, both Sloans, Janet ; Tim Osterman, Larry Hayden
DUES ARE DUE! Dues are $50 per scout; 2nd siblings are $40. If you have       not already paid, you are due!
POPCORN COORDINATOR Thanks to John & Jan Bleasdale for stepping up       to the plate as Popcorn Coordinators. Popcorn sales need to be turned in       by November 19. Profits from these sales go to YOU in the form of Scout       Bucks, so sell, sell! VENTURE QUALIFIER The qualifier scheduled for       October has been rescheduled to combine with the camp outing to Camp       Greilick, Traverse City, on November 9-11.
WOODBADGE Congratulations to Dan Bunker for completing the Woodbadge       course.
TROOP JUNIOR LEADER TRAINING Good job to those that completed the JLT       training held September 15.
CLASS B UNIFORMS Another shipment of t-shirts and sweatshirts are       available for purchase for Scouts, Scouters, parents, grampa's, etc. These       make great holiday gifts!
GLACIER NATIONAL PARK The High Adventure for the Troop, a 7-10 day Trip       to Glacier National Park, MT, has been scheduled for Summer 2003.
QUESTIONS OR COMMENTS? Please contact: Scoutmaster- Tim Ekola (H)       616-329-2430 (E)
"The real way to gain happiness is to give it to others" -      Baden-Powell