Troop 613

To: All members, leaders, and parents of Troop 613

Subject: Financial Assistance Policy

From: Troop Committee

The members of Troop 613 believe the scouting program benefits young men in many different ways and that each scout should have every opportunity possible to participate regardless of obstacles. The Financial Assistance Policy of Troop 613 is available to assist a Scout in the event the family has problems meeting their financial commitments to the Troop. This could be as a result of a home fire, theft or other.  Such a request could be made for Troop related commitments such as, monthly dues, annual fee, camping event costs, etc. In the event that the request is approved repayment options and payment schedule for the amount will be coordinated with the Treasurer. A family in need of such assistance should contact the Scoutmaster (SM) and/or Committee Chairperson (CC). The request will be treated with complete confidentiality. The following is the process in which a request will follow:

Upon receiving the request, if the value does not exceed $50.00 per scout, the SM and CC will review the information and unanimously approve or disapprove the request. In the event a unanimous decision cannot be reached the Troop Committee will review the situation and decide if dispensation should occur.  If the request is approved the family will be notified by the CC. The Treasurer will be informed of the monetary arrangements that have been made.  If the request is disapproved the family will be notified by the CC.

In the event the requested value is greater than $50.00 the request will follow the same process as above except each request will be brought to the Troop Committee who will vote on whether dispensation should occur and the results communicated to the family by the CC.

If you have any questions regarding this policy contact the Troops committee

Treasurer or Chairperson.




Original Release Date: 6/21/00
