To: All members, leaders, and parents of Troop 613
Subject: Offensive Language Policy
From: Troop Committee
In recognition that our boys are getting older, and as such, will be tempted to use offensive language as many of their peers are apt to do and may be construed as part of growing up. Each and every person associated with this Troop must be aware that this type of behavior WILL NOT BE TOLERATED UNDER ANY CIRCUMSTANCE. The boy(s) and leader(s) of this troop should remember the scout laws at all times.
- For the intent of this guideline, offensive language is defined as any slang, drawings, word, group of words, or gestures that refer to 1) any body part used for sexual or body waste discharges, 2) any act of sexual or body waste discharges or 3) references to parental lineage, race, religion, or national origin intended to be insulting or belittling in nature. There is no doubt in the minds of the leadership that the members of this troop knows and understands what words are offensive and should not be used. (Rule of thumb: if you would not use the word around your family or church, then there is no reason to use it at a scouting activity)
- Should a member, in the opinion of the adult leader(s) in charge of the activity, use offensive language, the following guidelines are to be used. These are guidelines only as determined by the Troop Committee and are not intended to be strictly applied in every situation. Ultimate decision is discretion of adult leader(s) in charge.
- 1st offense - Verbal warning and reprimand (privately between offender and the Senior Patrol Leader.
- 2nd offense - Verbal warning and reprimand (privately between offender and adult leader(s)). Restrictions from selected activities at event as determined by adult leader(s) in charge.
- 3rd offense - Restrictions from selected activities at event as determined by adult leader(s) in charge and offence announced to the troop members present. Parents of offender will be notified at end of event.
- Repetitive offenses - Offence announced to the troop members present, expulsion from event and possible future events (parents to retrieve from event site) and conference between youth, adult leader(s) in charge, and parents of offender.