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Troop 65 is a relatively new troop within the family of troops of the Twin Lights District of Monmouth Council. Our sponser, VFW Post# 2140, picked up our charter in June of 2000.

Although we are new we feel we've been able to hit the ground running because of the efforts of a few key people. Troop 65's roots began with Troop 125, Fair Haven, NJ.

Scoutmaster David Crow and Committee Chairman Dave Wolverton who re-formed Troop 125 in Fair Haven were two of the driving forces behind the formation of Troop 65. Most everyone within the Monmouth Council family has heard of these two gentlemen. They are very active in BSA from the troop all the way up to the council level. They unselfishly gave of their time and resources to help a new Scoutmaster and a fledgling troop get their wings and begin to soar. Troop 65 recognizes their tremendous efforts and is eternally grateful.

There is one other gentleman who was directly responsible for the formation of Troop 65 and without him scouting in Long Branch would not be what it is today, flourishing. The caring and interest that he had shown and continued to show, even after he became a DE for a different district, was amazing and inspiring. That man is Christopher Stangl who has since gone on to another BSA council in New York. Chris's encouragement and belief, in the leadership that was to be, was so powerful and inspiring that it was inevitable that something great was going to happen...and, it did. Troop 65 was born.

THANK YOU One & All! ! !

Troop 65
Long Branch, New Jersey

Sponsored by:

Asbury United Methodist Church
Long Branch, New Jersey

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