Troop 759 Activities Coordinator’s Report

February 16, 2009


Upcoming Events:

February 20-22 - Winter Cabin Camping - Brown Lodge at Camp Rodney – This event will feature archery and orienteering.  This activity requires a tour permit.


February 21 – Mall Show – since this event conflicts with cabin camping, the boys voted to not support this event.  This is unfortunate, but the date moved on the scout calendar after we had made our plans.


February 28 - Scouting For Food – Bag Drop Off – We will be doing bag drop-off starting at 9:30 AM.  I just found out that we cannot canvas at the Safeway on the two Saturdays – someone reserved three Saturdays in a row back in November.   We are researching alternative dates (Friday evening, Sunday) to help keep our donations up.


March 7 – Scouting for Food – Pick Up Day – We will start at 10:30 AM to give people time to put food out.  More details will be announced at the troop meetings.


March 17, 24, 31 - Troop Elections


March 24 – Order of the Arrow Elections


March 27-29 Spring Adventur-ee  - Details to be announced.


Other Items of Note:


Recruiting is not going great.  Despite a massive outreach effort, not many packs have even bothered to respond, and of those who visited us, the response is 50% at best.  We obviously have to change our recruiting habits.  I recommend that we start again in April – nobody will get in front of us next year.  It is my opinion that the packs are getting lazy and simply feeding larger units.  We need to break this habit or it endangers our troop and other “independent” units.  Either that or we need to develop a feeder pack.