Troop 759 Activities Coordinator’s Report
March 16, 2009
Upcoming Events:
March 17, 24, 31 - Troop Elections
March 24 - Family Night - Schedule
March 25 - Pizza Hut Fundraiser for Venture Crew – Elkridge Pizza Hut. Please show up with your coupon and help the crew out.
March 27-29 Spring Adventur-ee - Camp Saffran (Broad Creek) – The theme is Scavenger-ee. Cost is $27 - $8 for the camping fee, $4 for transportation, and $15 for food. Sign-ups are underway.
April 3-5 – Junior Leader Training – Troop 882 Meeting Hall, Lisbon, MD – I just got an e-mail indicating that this event is a go – even though Spring Break starts after school on April 3. We can send some boys to this event, but they also need boy leaders. If you aren’t planning on going away for Spring Break, please consider helping manage this event.
April 18–19 - Twenty Mile Hike [Philmont crew back pack 10 miles] – we need to get the planning for this underway.
April 25 - Mt. Hebron Spring Fair – Please support the church with this event.
Other Items of Note:
Miles bridges into our unit on Friday, March 20. We need 2-3 boys to attend the meeting at Grace Episcopal Parish Hall on Montgomery Road. Howard Warner will be there. We’ll need to frame this up at the meeting on March 17.
We totally kicked everyone’s butt on Scouting for Food. Nobody in Howard County has ever brought in one ton of food before in the 21 years this event has been held. We should all be very proud of this effort. We have the attention of everyone in the District and the Council and we are seriously viewed as the model for staging a successful campaign.
Just a reminder that this will be a busy spring for Eagle Courts of Honor. We have developed a model for success – all we need to do now is sell it and grow the troop.