Troop 759 Activities Coordinator’s Report
August, 2008
Updated 8-18-08
Upcoming Events:
August 12 – Annual Planning Meeting – this will take place in lieu of a weekly troop meeting. We will be planning the 2009 event calendar. Boys are encouraged to attend if they want input on the events we will be doing in 2009. This meeting will be held at the Hebron House at the same time as a normal Tuesday meeting.
August 24- Court of Honor – Rockburn Branch Park – this is our annual family picnic and Court of Honor, to be held at the same pavilion at the back of Rockburn Park off the Montgomery Road exit (the same place as last year). The event kicks off at 3:30 PM with the ceremonies and ends with the family picnic. The troop supplies the hamburgers and hot dogs and the plates, cups and utensils. Assignments for side dishes, desserts and drinks will be made by the senior patrol.
September 5-7 – Beach Trip – Assateague Island State Park - we have one of the two youth group campsites by the park entrance. We need both adult and boy leaders for this annual event. The event includes swimming, so we need qualified adults and scouts to plan and supervise a safe swim plan.
September 9, 16, 23 - Troop Elections – to be held during troop meetings
September 26-28- Field Sports Challenge – Broad Creek – this is a District event so we don’t need a lot of planning, but we need two or more adults to lead this event and we need to get it on the boys’ radar screen so they can plan to attend.
October 3-5 (NEW DATE) - Caving with Crew – we need details on this event from the Crew so we can coordinate transportation and event leadership.
October 24-26 - Webelos-O-Ree – Broad Creek – mark this on your calendars. Details are still evolving.
Other Items for Discussion:
Archery Practice – I am working on getting us some space at the Franciscan Friars Monastery for use as an archery range in late August and early September. Look for updates in e-mail and on the troop web site.