Boy Scout Troop 759 Handbook  Boy Scout Troop 759 Handbook  Boy Scout Troop 759 Handbook  Boy Scout Troop 759 Handbook  Boy Scout Troop 759 Handbook  Boy Scout Troop 759 Handbook


PURPOSE:  As a supplement to the BSA Handbook, this handbook and the supplemental documents establish specific policies and procedures to support the effective and efficient administration of Troop 759.


I.       Troop Philosophy and Purpose.  


            In order to meet the objectives of the Boy Scout program and to foster desirable leadership and character traits among its Scouts, Troop 759, to the extent possible, is Scout-run.  As necessary, the Troop Adult Leaders and parents administratively support the Scouts. 


            Troop 759 emphasizes integrity in the Scout program by ensuring rank advancements and merit badge achievements are earned to the letter and spirit of the Boy Scout program.  Troop 759 also promotes among its Scouts strict adherence to the Boy Scout Oath, Law, Slogan, and Motto.


            Troop 759 is an activity and service project-oriented Troop.  As a rule, the

            Troop participates in one weekend-long activity per calendar month, a one-week summer camp, and numerous special activities, all of which are established by the Troop’s Annual Calendar of Activities.


            All Troop 759 activities are designed, developed, and administered to ensure a safe, rewarding, and fun environment for all participants, whether they be Scouts, Adult Leaders, Mothers and Fathers, legal guardians, siblings, or guests.  In this vein, Troop 759 neither permits nor tolerates discrimination, intimidation, harassment, or verbal or physical abuse by its Scouts, Adult Leaders, or other affiliated personnel.  Any Scout, Adult Leader, or affiliated person who believes they have been subjected to such treatment is required to report that treatment through the Troop 759 chain-of-responsibility.


II.         Troop Organization and Structure. 


            --Adult Leader positions: Scoutmaster; Assistant Scoutmaster(s); Troop Committee Chairperson; Secretary/Scribe; Treasurer; Advancement Chairperson; Activities Coordinator; Equipment Coordinator/Quartermaster; Troop Information Manager; Merit Badge Counselor Coordinator; Publicity Coordinator; Fund Raising Coordinator; Librarian; Summer Camp Coordinator; Patrol Coach(es); Scout Credits Coordinator; Special Events Coordinator; Charter Organization Representative; Eagle Scout Advisor.


            --Scout positions: Senior Patrol Leader; Assistant Senior Patrol Leader; Patrol Leader; Assistant Patrol Leader; Scribe, Librarian, OA Representative, Chaplain Aide, Quartermaster, Bugler, Troop Guide, Troop Instructor, Historian, Junior Assistant Scoutmaster.

            --Appointed and Elected Positions: With the exception of the Scoutmaster and Assistant Scoutmaster(s) who serve indefinite terms at their discretion and at the discretion of the Troop Committee, all Adult Leaders, as identified by the positions above, are elected by the Troop Committee for a one year period.  Only registered adult committee members can vote, this excludes the Scoutmaster and Assistant Scoutmasters. Generally, positions are rotated annually to ensure continuity and flexibility in the effective and efficient administration of the Troop.  For the scout positions, the SPL and Patrol Leaders are elected by the Troop and subject to affirmation by the Scoutmaster based upon the best interests and needs of the Troop as detailed in attachment???.  Add supplemental document on troop elections.


            --Troop Committee: The Troop Committee is responsible for the overall effective and efficient administration of the Troop.  The Troop Committee is comprised of all of the adults with the exclusion of the Scoutmaster and the Assistant Scoutmasters.  The Scout Senior Patrol Leader serves in an advisory/observer capacity to the Troop Committee.


             The Troop Committee: Establishes the duties and responsibilities of the Adult Leader and Scout positions identified above; establishes Troop policies and procedures; if needed, authorizes variances from existing Troop policies and procedures; authorizes the Troop’s annual calendar of activities on a beginning-of-the-calendar-year basis in conjunction with the expressed desires of the Scouts; supports the Scoutmaster and Assistant Scoutmaster(s) in their roles as Troop leaders, moral compasses, and Scout skills experts; meets the third Monday of each month; authorizes expenditure of Troop funds; sets annual fees for Scouts joining the Troop and Scout re-chartering; approves annually the number of Scouts acceding to the Troop based upon the needs of the Troop and the ability of the Troop’s infrastructure to support additional Scouts; ensures that all Troop 759 policies and procedures are fully implemented in a consistent, fair, and equitable manner; if and when necessary, determines and implements disciplinary measures to ensure Scouts adhere to the Scout Law; promotes and sponsors monthly “Green Bar” meetings for Scouts holding Patrol leadership positions; etc.


            Troop Committee decisions will be based upon majority vote of those in attendance and recorded in Troop Committee meeting minutes and in this Handbook (following appropriate notice as defined in Preamble) if the decision modifies Troop policies or procedures.  Minority positions will be recorded in the meeting minutes as appropriate.


            In the event a majority of the Troop Committee members are not present at a scheduled Committee meeting, it is at the Committee Chairperson’s discretion to table a decision for a later vote.


            In the event the Committee Chairperson cannot chair a monthly meeting, he/she will arrange for a Committee member to serve as the chair, to include setting the written meeting agenda.


            --Scout Patrol Organization: Each Patrol will have a Scout-elected and Scoutmaster-affirmed Patrol Leader who is at least a First Class Scout, with the exception of the new scout patrol.  The Patrol Leader will select an Assistant Patrol Leader to serve in the Patrol Leader’s absence.  Each Patrol will be comprised of no more than eight Scouts unless the Troop Committee authorizes a variance.  Two or three Patrol Coaches will assist each Patrol.


III.       Troop Meetings.


            --All Troop meetings on Tuesday evenings, starting promptly at 7:30 PM and concluding promptly at 9:00 PM.  Currently troop meetings are held at Mt. Hebron Presbyterian Church in Ellicott City. To the extent possible, variances to day/time/place must be announced on a timely and effective basis to all Scouts/Adult Leaders/parents.


            --Meeting Cancellations:  With regards to Troop, Greenbar and Committee Meetings, we will follow the Howard County School System.  If schools are closed for inclement weather, our meetings will be cancelled.


            --Each Scout meeting will be comprised of an Opening (responsibility for conducting an Opening will be rotated among the Patrols); Committee announcements; Skill Session; Patrol time (Scouts plan patrol events, activities, and outings); Inter-patrol Activity; Scoutmaster Moment/Words of Wisdom; and Closing (responsibility for conducting a Closing will be rotated among the Patrols).


            --Each Scout Patrol will keep written participation records for weekly meetings, activities, events, and outings and submit them on a timely basis to the Advancement Chairperson.


IV.       Scout Participation. 


            In Troop 759, Scouts advance in rank and earn merit badges at their own volition and pace.  No Scout is expected to achieve higher rank or merit badges on a predetermined schedule.


            --Scout conduct: In conjunction with adherence to the Scout Law, upon joining Troop 759 and on an annual basis at the time of re-chartering in the Troop, each Scout, their parents/guardians and all involved adults will sign and date Supplemental Document #3, Conflict Resolution Statement. 


            --Attendance:  Scouts are expected to attend ¾ of the Scout meetings and Troop-sponsored activities in order to gain valuable scouting skills, rank advancement and merit badge credits, to show support for the Troop, and to meet the Scout Spirit requirement necessary for rank advancement as identified below.   


            --Rank advancement: Scouts are individually responsible for meeting the letter and spirit of each requirement for advancement to a higher rank.  Scouts must fully demonstrate that they have earned advancement by being able to articulate what they accomplished to warrant advancement.  Note: When a scout is asking for a rank advancement sign-off, the scout should be wearing the complete uniform of the day.            Each Scout requesting advancement must pass a Board of Review, as sanctioned and guided by the Boy Scout Handbook.  Each Scout must present himself for the Board of Review in the appropriate, full Class A Scout uniform.  Troop 759 Boards of Review will comprise three Troop Adult Leaders who are not the Scoutmaster or Assistant Scoutmasters and not related by family to the Scout.  Each Board of Review must be prefaced by a successful Scoutmaster Conference with the Scout and established by the Advancement Chair as to place/date/time with the three Adult Leaders.


            --Scout Spirit: Scouts must consistently demonstrate Scout Spirit to earn rank advancement.  Scouts who “live” the Scout Law are deemed to consistently demonstrate Scout Spirit.  Only the Scoutmaster or an Assistant Scoutmaster can attest to the Scout meeting the Scout Spirit requirement.


            --Merit badge achievement: Troop 759 strives to have a Troop Merit Badge Counselor available to its Scouts for each merit badge.  In the event Troop Counselors are not available; the Merit Badge Counselor will secure counseling through the BSA National Pike District.


            --Uniforms:  There are two Scout uniforms as follows: Fall/Winter/Spring (October 1st to April 30th): Class ‘A’: Scout shirt, scout pants with Scout belt, neckerchief and slide, and Scout hat; Summer (May 1st to September 30th): Class ‘B’: Troop 759 T-shirt and scout pants or shorts (Scout socks must be worn with scout shorts) with Scout belt. Scouts are required to be in the full seasonal uniform for all Scout activities unless the Scoutmaster or his designee authorizes a variance.  Scouts must wear their uniforms in an appropriate manner at all times. 


V.        Troop Administration.


            Troop 759 places the highest priority on the effective and efficient administration of the Troop to ensure a safe, rewarding, and fun environment for all Troop activities and participants. 


            In this pursuit, the Troop places special emphasis on:


            --The timely and complete dissemination of Troop information through the Troop Information Manager.  The Troop Information Manager utilizes comprehensive Phone Tree and Email capability and the Troop Website ( to meet this priority.  Adults who hold the above-identified Troop 759 Adult Leader positions usually provide the information for dissemination to the Troop Information Manager.


            --As established by the Troop calendar, and as determined and supported by the Troop Activities Coordinator, the assignment of an Adult Leader or parent, other than the Scoutmaster or Assistant Scoutmaster(s), to act as a “Point of Contact” (POC), who will assume responsibility for the complete and timely coordination of that activity. 



            --Keeping family out-of-pocket Scout costs to a minimum.  As noted above, the Troop Committee sets the annual fees for Scouts joining and re-chartering to the Troop.  These fees have traditionally been nominal, but families also need to consider Scout and Adult Leader activity costs and uniform and any equipment/clothing outfitting costs, e.g. hiking boots, a backpack, etc.  In order to mitigate financial impacts, the Troop sponsors and conducts a variety of fund raising activities.  Scouts and Adult Leaders are encouraged, but not required, to participate in these fund raising activities.  As an incentive, and as sanctioned as Troop policy by the Troop Committee, Scouts and Adult Leaders are eligible to earn dollar credits to offset Scouting expenses of their choice by participating in Troop fund-raisers. 



Lasted updated 4/19/04 by Carol Bateman