Minutes for January 28, 2008 Committee Meeting

Created January 28, 2008

Updated January 29, 2008


Attendees:  Janet Boettcher, Mary Bullinger, Pat McDermott, John Dittman, Dennis Fugate, Robin Nussbaum, Brian Smith, Randy Strem, Dale Walker, Howard Warner, Judy Wheeler


Previous Minutes:  Last month’s minutes were approved as written.


Committee Chair’s Report:   Pat thanked everyone for the get well card.


Treasurer’s Report:  Submitted in writing.  Judy recommended that we turn over the scout funds from former (non-registered) scouts into the general fund.  The committee agreed.


Scout Credits: Submitted in writing.  Still need to complete Webelos-O-Ree.  The popcorn credits have been turned in but the submitted sheet does not reflect these values.


Scout Master’s Report:  Brian wants to disband the “Door Bells” patrol and place the scouts into the “Lightning Bolts” and “Krispy Kremers” patrols.   Brian is going to talk to Dan (ASPL) about contacting scouts that have not been showing up at meetings.  Gabe is going to be the next Troop Guide.  Brian suggests that we should get new flag poles and bags to store the flags.  We could possibly have someone make the bags.  Dale volunteered to get prices for the poles.


Greenbar Report: The meeting was cancelled due to illness.


Advancement Chairperson Report:  The troop has earned the Centennial Quality Unit Award.  The committee approved the approximate $60 for the scout patches.


Merit Badge Counselors Report:  We need a first aid counselor.  The committee thought that it would be a good idea to ask Wesley, provided that a counselor only needs to be 18 years old.


Quartermaster’s Report: We still need to purchase the following items that were approved by committee at Sept 17, 2007 meeting: regulator hose for one of the stoves. Randy purchased a first aid kit , and bow saw.


Activities Coordinator Report: Submitted in writing.  Priority issues include: 1) Brian is working on arranging cabin winter camping. We have two cabins at Camp Rodney.  NRA rifle certification has been sent.  Dale needs to check on the use of Black Powder rifles.  2) Possibly schedule an overnight on the USCGC Taney in December. Cost is about $35 per person and includes food. 3) The troop needs to decide on a winter fundraiser.  4) Scouts need to submit $30 deposit for summer camp.


Roundtable Minutes:  Submitted in writing. 


Troop Information Manager Report:  Need electronic copy of committee positions, roundtable minutes and agenda.  Dale found another distributor that can offer the archery equipment at a better price.  Dale will get a price for bows, arrows and targets and submit the price to the committee.



1)      Committee elections:  positions were finalized and will be posted in the near future. Text changed

2)      Andrew presented his Eagle project.  The committee voted unanimously to accept it. Text added


Next committee meeting is scheduled for February 18, 2008 at 7:00 pm.  Location to be determined.


Meeting: Started 7:05 PM; Ended 8:42 PM