Minutes for February 19, 2007 Committee Meeting
Created Feb 21, 2007
Attendees: Pat McDermott, Robin Nussbaum, Janet Boettcher, Dale Walker, Carol Bateman, Howard Warner, Brian Smith, John Dittman, Judy Wheeler, Mary Bullinger, Anita Ivey
Previous Minutes: Last month’s minutes were approved as written.
Committee Chair’s Report: Troop needs to get more parents involved in committee meetings and committee positions. Several members will be “retiring” in the near future and replacements should be in “training”.
Treasurer’s Report: Submitted in writing.
-The troop is still concerned about the 2 people (not registered with the troop) that dropped out of the ski trip without paying any of the $139 per person fee. The troop has paid for these individuals in total. Timberline Resort was paid in full and is not willing to make any refunds. The troop contact for these individuals was approached but nothing has been resolved.
-A suggestion was made to have anyone not registered with the troop pay in full at time of reservation on future events.
-Deposits for the Northern Tier trip are due: $50 airline deposit must me made to the airlines by February 28 (so it is due to troop by 2/20), Northern Tier needs the deposit by March 1.
Scout Master’s Report:
- The District Camporee has been moved to March 30-April 1, 2007 at Broad Creek Scout Reserve, but it is not firm. The Green Bar elected to cancel the scheduled Pioneering weekend (March 23-25) in order to participate in the Camporee. If the Camporee fails to occur, the troop will still proceed to Broad Creek and create its own program (possible utilizing the shot gun range).
-The Troop Pinewood Derby is scheduled for April 10, 2007. Robert Boettcher will contact Mount Hebron (Ginger Dunn) to see if the Fellowship Hall is available Robert B.
Greenbar Report: Information was presented by Brian Smith.
-As mentioned in the Scout Master’s Report, the troop pinewood derby will be April 10. The event will have two categories: one meeting scout regulations, the second is an unlimited class. Scouts and parents will race together in the categories. The troop will purchase the pinewood car kits for the scouts.
-The troop need’s a new troop guide for new patrol.
Advancement Chairperson Report:
-The court of honor originally scheduled for April 24, will be moved to May 8 to alleviate any conflicts with Jeremy’s Eagle COH scheduled for April 28. Time if Jeremy’s COH is forthcoming
-The troop is purchasing the presentation kit for Jeremy’s eagle.
Quartermaster’s Report: Howard spoke on behalf of Quartermaster- The chuck boxes need to be checked for content. It was suggested that an equipment list be created, laminated and affixed to the boxes. The scout quartermaster (Gabriel Coffelt) will be tasked to create the list and get equipment. Stainless cookware, and plastic or metal utensil should be purchased. The troop will pay for the equipment. Pat offered to laminate the lists.
Merit Badge Counselors Report: No report presented.
Activities Coordinator Report: Submitted in writing along with the following highlights.
-Tammy Cinotto has the troop on her calendar for renewal in April. She will contact the troop in March to set up dates. Tammy is also presenting a full course for CPR and First Aid on Monday 3/19 and 3/26. See the activities report for detail of the training.
-Howard is being pressured by council to make the troop’s Friends of Scouting presentation and submit money prior to April 1. In order to accommodate, the committee decided to have a Parent Appreciation Night on March 13, 2007. The troop meeting will start early at 7:00 pm. Pizza will be served. The Friends of Scouting presentation will be given so bring your check books. Troop leadership, Wagon Wheel training, Summer Camp will also be discussed.
-Troop is trying to schedule a time to perform a safe swim class. Pat talked to the YMCA about using their facility. The only times available are for the course are Saturdays after 1:00 PM, but participants will need to pay $6. Other options are being sought after.
- Scouting for Food: District is recommending that pickup is done after 11:00 am. Safeway time will remain the same, but those only doing pickup will meet shortly before 11:00 am. Actual time and location will be forthcoming. Pat has signs.
· Scouting for Food: distribution Feb 24; pickup March 3
· Parent Appreciation Night: March 13, 2007 early start 7:00pm.
weekend: March
23-25, 2007 cancelled in lue of Camporee
· Camporee: March 30-April 1, 2007
· Pinewood derby: April 10, 2007
· Gettysburg Hike/camping: April 20-22, 2007
White Water Rafting:
June 1-3, 2007 Tentatively moved to July 6-8, 2007
Roundtable Minutes: Submitted in writing.
Webmaster’s Report: Dale reported that the archive section of the web page has been started, but historic documents are needed.
New business:
-Dr. Dutton is willing to remain as the First Aid merit badge counselor.
-Last month Robin mentioned a power point presentation about recruiting new people to go to committee meeting. She was unable to contact the gentlemen, since he was not at the Roundtable meeting this month. Robin will try again next month.
-Howard offered to look into the possibility of getting a credit card for the troop, so that the troop can accumulate “award” points towards scout equipment. No update at this time.
-Dale offered to put a copy of new charter on web for easy access.
Meeting: Started 7:10 PM; Ended 8:56 PM