First Navy Jack 2002 - Present

[Click to enlarge - U.S. Navy photo]

Two designs are presented here. The traditional jack consists of a flag the same size and configuration as the United States Ensign being flown by the ship. In September 2002 the flag known as the First Navy Jack, 13 stripes defaced with a serpent and the legend "Don't tread on me" below the serpent, was authorized to be flown by all commissioned ships.

U.S.Navy Jack - 1960-2002

U.S. Navy Jack used from 4 July 1960 until September 2002

First U.S. Navy Jack 2002 - Present
[Click to enlarge]

Current Jack - Also known as the First Navy Jack

Created 14 October 2002. Comments to Philip R. Abbey at pr_abbey@hotmail.com