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Flag of the United States of America Constitution of the United States of America (Emory)
Visit Camp Thunder
Scout Master
Steve Kuhar
In Memory Of
Scout Master
Carl (Mr. J) Jensen
This web site was designed to inform the adults and scouts of any upcoming events or announcements in the troop. Be sure to check the News and Calendar pages.

Troop 403 Welcomes its newest Eagle Scout: Joel K. This is the 101st Eagle Scout for Troop 403. Congratulations, Joel.

Troop 403 is starting out on its own again.

We are now meeting at Gadsden Street United Methodist Church, located at 901 E. Gadsden St in Pensacola, FL. This is at the corner of Gadsden St and N. 9th Ave, one block south of Cervantes St. Meeting times are 7:00 PM to 8:30 PM every Tuesday. If you are interested in joining a camping and hiking troop, come visit us.

Troop News Troop Pictures Troop Calendar


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