Welcome to Boy Scout Troop 476's Home Page

   If you are new to the Boy Scouts of America, please take time to browse through the following few paragraphs that will provide a brief understanding of the scouting program.

   The Boy Scouts of America (BSA) was incorporated in 1910 and chartered by Congress in 1916. The purpose of the BSA is to build charicter, foster citizenship, develop fitness, teach leadership skills, teamwork, and life skills.

   This is done by working through a series of ranks that each have a progressive set of skills that are required. These ranks are also complimented by a variety of Merit Badges. Some of the Merit Badges are required if the scount desires to reach the rank of Eagle Scout. These merit badges are designed specifically to prepare the scout for situations and experiences they will encounter in life. Some examples of the required merit badges are First Aid, Citizenship in the Community; In the Nation, and In the World, Personal Financial Management, Environmental Science, and Personal Fitness. The scout will also be able to complete other merit badges of their choosing based on their likes and preferances; these may include Wood Carving, Cycling, Sailing, Computers, Fishing, American Business, Athletics, Insect Stduy, and Wilderness Survival to name just a few. In all, there are over 115 merit badges available for the scouts to choose from. In order to reach the rank of Eagle Scout, the individual will need to have completed a total of 21 merit badges of which 11 must be from the "Eagle Required List".

To help guide the scouts in their daily activities and decisions, the Boy Scouts of America has a Scout Oath, Scout Law, a Scout Moto, and a Scout Slogan. These are all designed to help the scout make appropriate decisions.

The Scout Oath: The Scout Law:

On my honor I will do my best A Scout is:    Trustworthy Obiedient
To do my duty to God and my country and Loyal Cheerfull
To obey the Scout Law; Helpfull Thrifty
To help other people at all times; Friendly Brave
To keep myself physically strong, mentally; Courteous Clean
awake, and morally straight. Kind Reverant

The Scout Moto:    Be Prepared The Scout Slogan:     Do A Good Turn Daily

You can find more information by visiting the National BSA web site .   From there you can reach the web site for your local BSA Council and then follow the links to sites for troops in your local community. We hope that you enjoy our site. Please visit it often. If you have any questions or comments, please feel free to contact us.

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