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If you are interested in Co-Ed Scouting and are between the ages of 14 and 20 you may want to look into Venture Crew 92!!! <<<<Click Venturing Logo |
Boy Scouts |
B.S.A. Troop 92 of Raymond Mississippi meets most Monday nights 6:00 P.M. at Raymond United Methodist Church! The scouts of Troop 92 are provided frequent rank advancement opportunities with scout skills & merit badges. The Eagle Scout rank is within reach of all ACTIVE, HARD WORKING, OUTDOOR ADVENTURIOUS, SWIMMING, HIKING, FUN LOVING, scouts of Troop 92!!! Troop 92 has an active outdoor program with something for all Scouts! The outdoor program of T92 includes such things as the 50-miler award, Philmont, Northern Tier, and White water rafting, with many campouts in a wide variety of locations both in and out of the state. CHECK US OUT! All boys between the ages of 11 and 18 that are eligible may join Troop 92 after a parent or legal guardian has consulted with the adult leaders of B.S.A. Troop 92! The scouts of B.S.A. Troop 92 adhere to the Scout Law, Oath, and the Outdoor code at all times! The unwavering standards of the Boy Scouts of America are always expected of the young men of Troop 92! The Outdoor Code As an American, I will do my best to be clean in my outdoor manners. Be careful with fire. Be considerate in the outdoors, and be conservation minded. |
Click on the Eagle Pin for information on Eagle Scout Courts of Honor. >>>>>>> |
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