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                           Welcome to our Brownie Page.
We are 1st grade Brownies from L.I. New York and we are very excited to start our journey. We have 10 energetic Brownies who are ready to be empowered with the knowledge and choices that Girl Scouts has to offer them.

On this site you will see some of our favorite links, the try-its we have received, about the service projects we are doing and all about our mascots Flopsy and Mopsy. 
            Brownie Troop 2136
Some of Our Favorite Links:
Just for Girls
Zink The Zebra
Girl Scout E-Cards
Flopsy and Mopsy's Travel Diary
Online Safety Pledge
Mascots 101
We adopted a pair of mascots. Our Mascots are Flopsy and Mopsy they are two adorable bunnies. Flopsy is white and is slightly bigger than Mopsy and Mopsy is a light brown. We are participating in the mascot exchange program. Flopsy and Mopsy travel to various other troops and, with the assistance of members from the host troop, makes entries in their travel journel about their adventures. They share this information with us so that we can learn more about our sister Girl Scouts and Girl Guides in other areas. We, in turn open our homes to visiting mascots from other troops and share information about our troop's activities and home state. It's a great way to learn about other people and places as well as making us learn more about our own home!. If your troop is interested in a mascot exhange with us, please contact us at our email address below.

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Our Try-Its
This page was created 9/18/02 by Ms. Shira, Troop Leader. This site reflects our own opinions, and not necessrily those of GSUSA or WAGGGS.
Troop Pictures
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This is our adopted cyber pet
Brownie Bunny
Our Service Projects
Our Council Patch Collection
Our Fun Patches